Help Preserve the Peter Lockner Photo Collection
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Since 1948, Napa County Historical Society (NCHS) has served Napa Valley communities through its dedication to preserving and presenting local heritage. We are a non-profit organization funded by donations, membership, grants, and sponsorship.
NCHS has been offered the Peter Lockner Studio Collection, which is currently in private hands. Lockner was a prolific and important Napa portrait photographer and his studio was employed for school photos, weddings, and local families. This collection is extensive, containing approximately 1,000 images, but is in very fragile condition. It needs immediate attention in order to be added to the NCHS collections.
To accomplish this, NCHS needs your help. Community Projects, Inc. has graciously given $2,500 towards preservation materials, allowing us to prepare for processing this collection. This is a great start. Our GoFundMe goal is to match this grant, to cover additional costs and unexpected expenses so we ensure that the entire collection is preserved in a timely manner. Should we raise more than our goal, funds will support the next phase of digitizing the images and making them publicly accessible, to preserve them for future generations.
Napa County Historical Society