Help protect the Wemyss Caves
The Wemyss Caves in Fife contain dozens of ancient symbols carved into the cave walls, many created by the Picts over 1,500 years ago. Recent studies show these may be some of the very oldest to survive anywhere in Scotland.
The caves have, however, long been at significant risk from vandalism and other damage. We have recently installed gates to protect the carvings and now want to take the next steps to create a permanently safe and pleasant environment for local people and visitors to enjoy this priceless heritage.
So we are launching a £10,000 one-off crowdfunding appeal to:
- employ a site warden position for an initial one year, to be funded subsequently by visitor income
- create new signage, interpretation boards and amenities on site
- build new paths to improve accessibility
- purchase equipment for site maintenance
- develop a "history garden" to include plants and resources that would have been known and used by the Picts and others
However little or much you can give, it will go a long way to ensuring that the priceless heritage at the Wemyss Caves survives to be celebrated, visited and studied for many years to come.
Save Wemyss Ancient Caves Society