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Support Rob Coppolillo's Family

Donativo protegido
We lost a true friend, Rob Coppollilo, on Thursday, April 18th while he was guiding deep in the Canadian Rockies. This is an unimaginable loss for Rebecca, Dominic, Luca, and countless friends worldwide. While Rebecca and the boys are strong, support from their friends far and wide is helping to bolster them as they endeavor to navigate their new world without Rob.

Rob's community is truly a global one, and many of you in that community are asking how you can help from outside the Seattle area. This fund was created for you, for us, to enable Rob's passion of living a life of awe and adventure to continue to flourish in Rebecca and their boys, Dominic and Luca, for years to come.

And, let's be honest, Rob could whip up a damn good Italian meal! Sharing that with friends and family to connect and laugh was one of his favorite pastimes. This fund will allow Rebecca and the boys to take what Rob cherished most—friends, wonder, adventure and a sharp wit—and keep the flame in their hearts burning bright.

They are so appreciative of all your love and support. Thank you for keeping them in your thoughts.

Any personal messages you want to send along here will be bound and shared with Rebecca and the boys.


  • Rick and Lindsay Lofaro
    • 50 $
    • 11 meses
  • Daniel Vishoot
    • 250 $
    • 11 meses
  • Kari, John & Harrison Decker
    • 200 $
    • 11 meses
  • Jamie Lofaro
    • 100 $
    • 11 meses
  • John Kellas
    • 50 $
    • 11 meses

Organizador y beneficiario

Michelle Lazar
Seattle, WA
Rebecca Yarmuth

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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