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This is the story of a story, the story of a book long being written.
I am part of that story, but so are you. If you feel at home in Ireland, or if your roots are, or may be in Ireland, then this is also your story. Sometimes stories are passed down through the written or the spoken word, but sometimes stories have to be retraced, have to be rooted out, have to be painfully extracted, have to be taken from the depths of the darkness and brought into the light.
Some stories need to be told and this is just one of these stories. If you are lucky enough to exist in indigenous society, those stories are part of your growing up, part of your coming of age, part of the wisdom of tribe, part of who you are when you are born, part of your life as you grow up, part of the wisdom you encounter during your life and part of the wisdom you share, before you leave this space in time.
So, if you live in a society where your connection to your ancestry is lost, how can you function as an indigenous being?

Life exists in many cycles and in many realms. In indigenous society, life is part of death and death is part of life. The world is devoted to the ancient feminine spirit, often called 'Grandmother' and Grandmother is the great protector, the great wisdom keeper, the great force for equality and good.
Does indigenous 'Irishness' exist, can it be found, can it be explained, and can we reach back through the ages and find our roots? That is a question of many facets, because we have a glorious mythology and a glorious collection of ancient spaces, with ancient energies, whose energies can be felt and experienced, when you learn how to interact with them.

I have been on a journey of discovery for over 50 years.
My journey started at a very young age, for a reason which came out of clerical sexual abuse at the age of 11 years, close to my twelfth birthday. Itwas a time when a child had to learn hard lessons in a very short space of time. Alone, under a tree, sheltering from the horrors of a world which had deserted me, I came of age in a period of 12 hours, freezing to death and awakening to a new consciousness.
So, as a new being, with a new life, and a new view of life, I began a journey which culminates in a book which goes back through 6,000 years and emerges into a world where the 'connect factor' between the Neolithic Age and modern 'civilisation' is broken, shattered and scattered over a landscape which treasures those ancient sacred spaces. Energy means different things to different people, but some people have developed an understanding of ancient energies, and how those energies work.
I have spent long hours alone, in lonely, cold, inaccessible spaces, breathing life and engaging with the energies of these places. Long nights alone in sacred spaces, dreaming among ancient carved stones, their stories becoming unveiled in the hours of darkness.
This story concentrates on one such space, an area known in both ancient times and modern times as the Boyne Valley. It is the story of our indigenous Grandmother, how she came to be here, why her shadow still calls people to this place, how her energy works, and why this place is the birthplace of indigenous Irish spirituality.

This spirituality has evolved over time and has entered mainstream religion, through the connection between indigenous Irish Christianity, into Roman Christianity and into modern religion. There is a huge connection to how we perceive spirituality in modern times, and its origins in ancient spirituality. There is a sacred energy which exists in this tiny corner of the world, which has taken on its own life and morphed into modern life.
The story begins at a well...
An ancient, sacred space where the indentions of ancient feet, performing ancient ceremonies, left us with a sacred sanctuary where the story begins. Here the energies can be felt, people come and ask 'what is this space and why is it so unique'?
Why was the Celtic church so in touch with its ancient roots? Why have the Celtic cross and the High Crosses such a distinctive shape? Why evolve an alphabet based on the sacredness of the trees and shrubs in the landscape? Why are the stories of the Bible carved on our ancient crosses? Why do we ritually cleanse ourselves before entering church? Why do we cover modern graves in a material which reaches back through the millennia, to our very roots?

This is the story of a story, the story of a book long being written, and the story is a story that needs to be told. You might have the chance to read that story, because it has been written. It has not been published yet, because times are hard, visitors are few, tourism is non-existent, and books are incredibly expensive in trying to get them from dark cold spaces, where the energies reach out to you, into bright warm rooms, where those energies will reach out and inspire you.
There is a need for people to understand their roots, and from your roots, you gain the strength to exist as a powerhouse of modern life. Too many people do not have a reason to exist, because their roots are shallow and cannot support that life. If your roots are strong, and spread out across a sacred landscape, where the individual sacred spaces connect into a web of spiritual intensity which will inspire your life going forward, then those roots will not only inspire you, but support you.
We are indigenous, Irish.
We have our music, our song, our language, our mythology, our stories, our footprint on the land of our birth, or our indigenous identity. But, we also have an incredible inner spirit which marks us as unique beings, recognised all over the world for our sense of humour, our inert respect for other beings, our belief in the magic of life and the celebration of death. We are indigenous Irish, and it is time we understood how strong and how ancient those roots are.

There is a story to be told, and it has been told.
It exists as a 175 page book, with incredible poetry, incredible photos and incredible art. It is three books in one, nine chapters in 3 phases of life, the Maiden, the Mother and the Grandmother. Nine artists have given permission for their art to be included, as expressions of that ancient culture. The book is a story that has been told, the rest is up to you.
Would you like to understand the roots of what being Irish really means? Do you identify as being Irish, but don't understand how deep those roots are? The Irish, in their utter humility, inspired such beauty and poetry that exists today, and has woven its tale into so many other countries and so many other identities. We are indigenous Irish, but, if you want to understand what that means, you need to come Out of the Darkness and into the Light.
The focus of this book is education, not profit. I am a simple man, with simple needs, so money is not a factor. It will cost approximately 20 Euro, or 25 Dollars. In order to keep costs to the minimum, print runs have to be economic in scale and material costs. The book will never be a film, or a project designed to be self funding. It will exist in small numbers, and each book will be signed, and have an acknowledgement slip personally written inside.
This is my story, but it is also your story.
It will bring you home, in a way other stories simply cannot. It will be self funded, as in you can help fund the book, if you want to know your story, the story of what makes you unique, what makes you indigenous, Irish.

This is the story of a story, the story of a book long being written.
I am part of that story, but so are you. If you feel at home in Ireland, or if your roots are, or may be in Ireland, then this is also your story. Sometimes stories are passed down through the written or the spoken word, but sometimes stories have to be retraced, have to be rooted out, have to be painfully extracted, have to be taken from the depths of the darkness and brought into the light.
Some stories need to be told and this is just one of these stories. If you are lucky enough to exist in indigenous society, those stories are part of your growing up, part of your coming of age, part of the wisdom of tribe, part of who you are when you are born, part of your life as you grow up, part of the wisdom you encounter during your life and part of the wisdom you share, before you leave this space in time.
So, if you live in a society where your connection to your ancestry is lost, how can you function as an indigenous being?

Life exists in many cycles and in many realms. In indigenous society, life is part of death and death is part of life. The world is devoted to the ancient feminine spirit, often called 'Grandmother' and Grandmother is the great protector, the great wisdom keeper, the great force for equality and good.
Does indigenous 'Irishness' exist, can it be found, can it be explained, and can we reach back through the ages and find our roots? That is a question of many facets, because we have a glorious mythology and a glorious collection of ancient spaces, with ancient energies, whose energies can be felt and experienced, when you learn how to interact with them.

I have been on a journey of discovery for over 50 years.
My journey started at a very young age, for a reason which came out of clerical sexual abuse at the age of 11 years, close to my twelfth birthday. Itwas a time when a child had to learn hard lessons in a very short space of time. Alone, under a tree, sheltering from the horrors of a world which had deserted me, I came of age in a period of 12 hours, freezing to death and awakening to a new consciousness.
So, as a new being, with a new life, and a new view of life, I began a journey which culminates in a book which goes back through 6,000 years and emerges into a world where the 'connect factor' between the Neolithic Age and modern 'civilisation' is broken, shattered and scattered over a landscape which treasures those ancient sacred spaces. Energy means different things to different people, but some people have developed an understanding of ancient energies, and how those energies work.
I have spent long hours alone, in lonely, cold, inaccessible spaces, breathing life and engaging with the energies of these places. Long nights alone in sacred spaces, dreaming among ancient carved stones, their stories becoming unveiled in the hours of darkness.
This story concentrates on one such space, an area known in both ancient times and modern times as the Boyne Valley. It is the story of our indigenous Grandmother, how she came to be here, why her shadow still calls people to this place, how her energy works, and why this place is the birthplace of indigenous Irish spirituality.

This spirituality has evolved over time and has entered mainstream religion, through the connection between indigenous Irish Christianity, into Roman Christianity and into modern religion. There is a huge connection to how we perceive spirituality in modern times, and its origins in ancient spirituality. There is a sacred energy which exists in this tiny corner of the world, which has taken on its own life and morphed into modern life.
The story begins at a well...
An ancient, sacred space where the indentions of ancient feet, performing ancient ceremonies, left us with a sacred sanctuary where the story begins. Here the energies can be felt, people come and ask 'what is this space and why is it so unique'?
Why was the Celtic church so in touch with its ancient roots? Why have the Celtic cross and the High Crosses such a distinctive shape? Why evolve an alphabet based on the sacredness of the trees and shrubs in the landscape? Why are the stories of the Bible carved on our ancient crosses? Why do we ritually cleanse ourselves before entering church? Why do we cover modern graves in a material which reaches back through the millennia, to our very roots?

This is the story of a story, the story of a book long being written, and the story is a story that needs to be told. You might have the chance to read that story, because it has been written. It has not been published yet, because times are hard, visitors are few, tourism is non-existent, and books are incredibly expensive in trying to get them from dark cold spaces, where the energies reach out to you, into bright warm rooms, where those energies will reach out and inspire you.
There is a need for people to understand their roots, and from your roots, you gain the strength to exist as a powerhouse of modern life. Too many people do not have a reason to exist, because their roots are shallow and cannot support that life. If your roots are strong, and spread out across a sacred landscape, where the individual sacred spaces connect into a web of spiritual intensity which will inspire your life going forward, then those roots will not only inspire you, but support you.
We are indigenous, Irish.
We have our music, our song, our language, our mythology, our stories, our footprint on the land of our birth, or our indigenous identity. But, we also have an incredible inner spirit which marks us as unique beings, recognised all over the world for our sense of humour, our inert respect for other beings, our belief in the magic of life and the celebration of death. We are indigenous Irish, and it is time we understood how strong and how ancient those roots are.

There is a story to be told, and it has been told.
It exists as a 175 page book, with incredible poetry, incredible photos and incredible art. It is three books in one, nine chapters in 3 phases of life, the Maiden, the Mother and the Grandmother. Nine artists have given permission for their art to be included, as expressions of that ancient culture. The book is a story that has been told, the rest is up to you.
Would you like to understand the roots of what being Irish really means? Do you identify as being Irish, but don't understand how deep those roots are? The Irish, in their utter humility, inspired such beauty and poetry that exists today, and has woven its tale into so many other countries and so many other identities. We are indigenous Irish, but, if you want to understand what that means, you need to come Out of the Darkness and into the Light.
The focus of this book is education, not profit. I am a simple man, with simple needs, so money is not a factor. It will cost approximately 20 Euro, or 25 Dollars. In order to keep costs to the minimum, print runs have to be economic in scale and material costs. The book will never be a film, or a project designed to be self funding. It will exist in small numbers, and each book will be signed, and have an acknowledgement slip personally written inside.
This is my story, but it is also your story.
It will bring you home, in a way other stories simply cannot. It will be self funded, as in you can help fund the book, if you want to know your story, the story of what makes you unique, what makes you indigenous, Irish.

Organizer and beneficiary
Jennifer Tarnacki
Lar Dooley