Photo principale de la cagnotte

Help Quentin, Le vietnamien volant, to get back up !

Don protégé
[ UPDATE : I just changed the goal to 10,000€ because Quentin got informed these last days about different medical expenses that are not gonna be taken in charge ! He has been trying to get precise information along the way pretty often but people are saying different things all the time which makes the whole situation very confusing
  • Several medical transports from his place to medical appointments are not fully covered.
  • He's gonna go soon to a rehabilitation center and will have to pay 85€ per day ( He will get some money back afterwards, but he doesn't know how much exactly and when he'll get it back )
  • Some other things here and there are covered but not 100% so it will also add up to all the rest.
Thank you sooo much for all the support ! ❣️ ]

Hello, I'm Samuel and I'm creating this fundraiser to help my friend Quentin after the big accident he had on July 26th !

Going straight to the point, he's barely able to move, not able to work and therefore has no income anymore.
The medical care are taken in charge by his insurance but this fundraiser will be use to support his basic daily expenses.
Quentin, @levietnamienvolant, has been doing parkour for ages. He's still moving on a high level, working with this passion and he wants to create even more.
He has been influencing and motivating many people throughout the whole community since the parkour literally projects back in 2010 !

I know the parkour community is strong and really supportive and that's why I dare to ask for your help specifically.
Any kind of support from anyone is also highly appreciated of course ❣️
Quentin unfortunately had a pretty big accident lately !
While doing a line he did many times before, he missed one step and fell from a bridge from about 10 meters high, head first.. His life is not engaged, his brain, vital organs and spine are not damaged, but he broke a lot of things...

  • Triple jaw fracture
  • Broken hard palate
  • Both orbital floors fractured
  • Both cheekbones fractured
  • Complex nose fracture
  • Several broken teeth
  • Complex open wirst fracture
  • Fibula and shin broken + complex ankle fracture
  • Two ribs fractured
  • Pelvis fractured ( femoral head )

He already has been operated for his wirst, ankle and face but more things will need to be take care of over the time.. now he's back home, in a wheelchair and every single thing is painful !
When he breathes, when he sits or try to sleep, when he drinks, when he eats, when he talks, when he smiles...

Everything is difficult one way or another.
Recently he was mainly working as a parkour artist and coach.
We also had the project to create another parkour show together.
But obviously he's not able to work anymore.

He cannot get any unemployment money or other kind of support from the state so he has no income at all from now on !

That's why we need to help him out.

To pay the rent, to pay the bills, to buy some food !
All the daily expenses that will happen during the next months still need to be covered.
Without knowing how long all of this will take to heal properly, I want to help him out moneywise during this process so he has at least one less concern to care about !

  • Please give what you can afford to support him during this difficult moment
  • Please share this fundraiser as well so more people can also help him out.
  • If you have absolutely no money you can still send a small message to support him if you feel like it.
Thank you for reading this and for your support ❣️
Je soutiens


  • Florian Pascal
    • 5 €
    • 26 j
  • Florian Pascal
    • 50 €
    • 26 j
  • Anonyme
    • 30 €
    • 28 j
  • Fabien Durand
    • 20 €
    • 29 j
  • Gerrit Herzog
    • 5 €
    • 1 mois
Je soutiens

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Samuel Govindin
Quentin Salvador

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