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Help raise awareness on environment issues

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Hi I am trying to raise funding for my business and developing not for profit. I am an artist and qualified environmental scientist working independently and living a low impact life which means I have for the past 20+years dedicated my life to living on what I need and to ecological concerns. During Covid I lost my workshop and much of what I was struggling to build. Frustrated with life I went to Canada to learn more about ecology and wildlife and ended up travelling in Canada, not knowing how this would turn out. I did not anticipate travelling and living in a vehicle for more than 6 months but have been travelling on my own for more than a year now under uncertain conditions and with the support of people I have met and know, who were willing and compassionate enough to help me and celebrated my unplanned journeys. I would now like to travel across Canada to raise awareness about ecology and the environment, sharing this journey as I go but in order to do this I need to raise money for critical things such as a vehicle, supplies and ultimately would like an opportunity to get my business going again, combining both the arts and environment for which I have won an award. I am raising money for what I need in order to help raise environmental concerns at a grassroots level. I am doing this in a particular way so that there is a direct connection to what I am learning about and sharing. I am exploring, travelling light without many belongings and only what has been given to me while putting materials together from places, through ecology, art and science based research to raise awareness about ecology and the environment. You can see what I am doing at
The amount I am raising will go towards expenses as well as materials to get my my business back up and going which everything I am doing contributes to. I thank anyone out there for their support and kindness also taking the time out to read this. Together we can make changes however big or small. If you need clarification, proof or more information please contact me.
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Ruvini De Alwis

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