Help raise money for a drive-in projector!
Tax deductible
Help us raise money for a drive-in movie projector so we can continue to have outdoor movies at Edmond Town Hall for years to come!
Edmond Town Hall first conceptualized the Drive-In as a temporary alternative to the theaters’ standard indoor movie screenings in June 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to high demand from residents of Newtown and surrounding towns, we have brought the drive-in theater back! While we are currently renting the projector, our goal is to purchase one to allow us to show high-quality drive-in movies possibly into Fall and for years to come!
You’ve asked for the Drive-In! Help us now to Achieve our Goal!! Donations to the Friends of Edmond Town Hall through this Go Fund Me will be 100% earmarked for the purchase, installation and maintenance of a new projector which costs approximately $25,000. The projector is of professional quality with a life of at least 10 years. The donations are also tax deductible.
The Friends of Edmond Town Hall, (formerly known as the Mary Hawley Society) is a not-for-profit 501(c)3. We are a group of engaged volunteers whose mission is to bring humanities and art-based programming to Edmond Town Hall, the historic theater and movie house in the center of Newtown Connecticut. For more information on The Friends of Edmond Town Hall visit www.friendsofeth.org.
For more information about the Edmond Town Hall's history as well as its programming and activities see www.edmondtownhall.org.
Thank you for your support!
Tara Kortze
Newtown, CT
Friends of Edmond Town Hall