Help raise money for Joyce Humperts memorial
Hi, My name’s Jade Waldron. Recently my Boyfriends mother was killed, the suspect is in custody, and she is getting the justice she deserves, but with what happened being so unexpected, we would really appreciate any help we can get to put towards the costs for his mothers memorial and cremation, seeing as a normal open casket funeral isn’t much of an option with the way she was killed, and a closed casket funeral isn’t something the family wants. As stated above, we’d really appreciate anything, even if it’s just donating a dollar or sharing this so it can reach as many people as possible, Thank you.
for anyone who would like to look more into it before donating, we understand. This link will take you to a news website that covered the story, interviewed my boyfriend, and will most likely release more information on the case and investigation as soon as they’re allowed to.
And for anyone who would like to view the more recent news article regarding Joyce, and learn more about what happened, with the interview with Jeffrey, here’s the link.