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Help Ray Pay For School

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Hey there! Thank you for coming to my GFM! My name is Ray and I'm a 25 years old. I am asking you, yes you, to find kindness in your heart to help me re-enroll back into my college so I can continue studying English and finally start the life I dream of. I was enrolled in classes back in 2020 but with Covid forcing us to do strictly virtual learning, I couldn't keep up with my grades and now am on academic probation because I am someone who needs to be in the classroom to learn. Anyway, to get back into classes I have to pay off my tuition from my incomplete semester which is $1,950. I've been working dead-end jobs since then and trying my best to stay afloat financially but frankly it's just been unrealistic as I am not only black and trans but also on the autistic spectrum which makes it really difficult to keep labor jobs. My dream is to become an English teacher and hopefully promote to an English professor. This has been my dream as a child but as I'm sure you can imagine, our society does not give black trans folks the upper hand to fulfill our dreams. But enough about me, if you are someone who genuinely is passionate about being an ally to black trans folk, here's your opportunity to put your allyship to work and help one of us out! Thank you for reading, and hopefully thank you for donating. Peace and blessings


  • Ayisha Irfan
    • 220 $
    • 1 año
  • Tyler Genovesi
    • 400 $
    • 1 año
  • Justyce Boyd
    • 15 $
    • 1 año
  • Anónimo
    • 20 $
    • 1 año
  • Anónimo
    • 10 $
    • 1 año


Ray Forrest
Philadelphia, PA

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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