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Help Rebuild Bakersville after Hurricane Helene

Imposto dedutível
Hi, my name is Roby Summerfield. I'm 18 years old and a native of rural Bakersville, North Carolina; a small town nestled in the Appalachian mountains.

On September 27th, Hurricane Helene hit and devastated my community. Houses and local businesses were destroyed by severe flooding. Over 400 roads are closed, leaving us stranded and without access to basic necessities. My community is facing mass devastation; as many go another day without electricity, water, food, gas, and Internet.

If you are willing to donate, we graciously appreciate any contribution to help our town recover from this destructive natural disaster. We are working hard to stay positive and resilient. Everyday, relief assistance is making progress. With your support, the Bakersville Beautification Association non-profit will start from the ground up in reconstructing downtown Bakersville.

Photo 1: One of several affected main roads in the Bakersville area

Photo 2: Devastation in downtown Bakersville

Photo 3: The Bakersville Creekwalk and playground

On behalf of my community, thank you for your support and generosity during these difficult times. We are extremely grateful.

For questions/concerns, please reach out to me on this platform.

Equipe de arrecadação de fundos (2)

Roby Summerfield
Bakersville, NC
Bakersville Beautification Association
Cheryl Craigie
Team member

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