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Help Rebuild my Life After Unexpected Amputation

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Hello, My Name is Thomas Mohr and I am DESPERATELY in Need of a Miracle! I am Humbly setting up this GoFundMe and asking for Financial Help from all of you Gracious Souls to help get me out of this Living Hell. This will be a long read but truly necessary & vital so I hope you continue on…


On July 14/2022 I had a lower leg amputation that would change my Life Forever - through no fault of my own. It has taken 13 months for me to be able to tell my full story with detail (Keep reading for Reason Why)

Late winter 2022 I had a bad fall. Everything seemed ok until one day I noticed my left baby toe was not looking right. I felt it necessary to seek medical care so I drove myself to the hospital on March 9/2022 late afternoon. By the time I was triaged it took hours and when I finally saw a doctor the toe was looking worse (picture March 9 7:34pm) The ER doctor on March 9 was aware that I was diabetic and had a previous right foot 4th digit amputation a few years prior (from a dog injury- he jumped up and his nail punctured my toe) from my medical history that resulted in immediate amputation and a 10 day hospital stay, and treatment that resulted in a successful outcome. Both injuries were not a result nor caused by my Diabetes as I have had that under control since being diagnosed, never once had any issues - wound healing has never been a problem, always healed perfectly. The doctor on this visit ordered bloodwork and x-rays. X-rays showed “osteomyelitis complicated with an open fracture of the 5th proximal phalanx”. After hours in the ER my left 5th toe turned black (picture March 10 4:59 am). I was put on IV antibiotics (prescription was IV 24 hours x 7 days- eventually I was on IV antibiotics daily from March 10 – July 14/2022 and it did nothing), dry dressed with gauze, told the toe would fall off on its own, and was discharged at 6 am March 10 with wound care instructions faxed to the facility and a 6 pm appointment that evening. This is where my nightmare continued. I was shocked that the hospital didn’t amputate the toe or call in a wound care expert considering the toe turned black during my time in the ER. Something serious was going on. Instead of just dry dressing and giving me antibiotics considering they had a blueprint of what was done previously with my right foot. There was so much commotion and improper care in regards to this wound from day one. The toe should have been amputated in the ER and all dead necrotic tissue removed and then properly dressed. At my appointment at wound care that evening all they did was dry dress with iodine (no removal of any tissue or toe). Wound care did not know what they were doing. They had to call in a doctor which took many days to remove the toe and the infection was spreading. Meanwhile, not feeling confident in the care I was receiving contacted the previous vascular surgeon (who removed my right 4th toe a few years prior) on March 17th and showed them pictures of the wound and they wanted to see me the next day on March 18th. When I arrived, the look of shock on their face said it all. The doctor put their hand on my shoulder and asked if I was ok and said they had a lot of work to do and started to cut and dig – all without freezing. They said they were going to do everything to save the foot (8 days post ER visit). The infection was travelling down the foot.
March 29 my family doctor did a wound culture and came back “MICROSCOPY: Moderate WBC, Few Gram positive cocci, Few Gram negative bacilli, Rare Gram positive bacilli
CULTURE: {l)A moderate growth of mixed bacteria More than one type of coliform bacilli isolated.”
Antibiotics were changed. Daily wound care continued.

Halfway through wound care I had to change locations. This new facility was not following doctor’s orders on how to manage the wound properly resulting in even more pain and suffering. This facility eventually refused to let me in their building for care as my mobility was affected by my foot. They did not offer to assist me to get in nor offer a wheelchair. Instead, I had wound care sitting on the back of my 26 year old, unsanitary pickup in a unpaved, dusty, gravel parking lot. This is our health care system in a first world country?

Passing the point of no return I was scheduled for amputation July 28th, but because of the improper care I was receiving at the clinic the surgery became an emergency. The doctor had to bump someone to get me in July 14th as the wound became sepsis like and my life was at risk. Surgery was a success. I was to be in the hospital for 4 weeks before getting transferred to a rehab centre once staples were removed. July 22, I was transferred – 8 days post surgery. I didn’t feel comfortable being discharged so early but I had no choice. When I arrived at the rehab centre, I was to be isolated alone for Covid protocol for 7 days. They stuck me in a room with Covid positive patients when I was Covid negative. My first day there they did not have the bed locked and when I transitioned from my wheelchair to the bed, the bed went flying and I fell very hard onto the floor – my 8 days post surgery stump smashing on the floor and hurting my tailbone. I spent the next 4 weeks in the rehab facility until my staples came out and then they discharged me informing me that I was not a candidate for a prosthetic because of my stump shape and sent me on my way with no options or other avenues I could purse to better my circumstance with my current financial situation. My stump today is the same shape/size as it was when I left rehab. I had nowhere to go as my retirement property plus RV where I was staying prior to this whole situation, was seized to pay a debt of my father (a very complicated situation). The only place I could go was my vehicle and that’s where I am still today.
Knowing that this entire situation could have been prevented, I retained a Lawyer July 19th, 2022. It took him until we had a meeting August 14th , 2023 to tell me that my situation was too complicated for him. Thirteen months of my life wasted and not once did the Lawyer ask for my side of the story. I have obtained all my medical records within a week and upon careful review there have been discrepancies along the way. The physical pain and suffering that I endured from March 10/ 2022 to July 14/ 2022 was torturous hell that I do not wish on my worst enemy. And that pain is imprinted on my mind forever. I must now take this legal fight on by myself which could take many years. I have a long uphill battle proving what I already know. This could have been prevented. They should have removed my toe on day one - March 10/ 2022. In the ER.


As I update this Story to shed light on my Tragedy I am now facing yet another Emergency, it’s like Deja Vu…
August 4th/ 2023 I went to Wound Care Department at the Hospital for a Check-Up, due to an infection that was brewing on my Amputated Stump, to see how it was healing with the Antibiotics I was prescribed. Come to find out I had an even worse infection on the other Foot that the Doctors are extremely concerned about - where they did invasive In-Clinic Surgery to cut away parts of the infection. Instead of being admitted to the Hospital [even after explaining my living situation, along with how unsanitary it is] the Doctors bandaged me up, put me on another Heavy Duty Antibiotic [now a total of 2 Antibiotics] and sent me on my way back to the highly unsanitary living conditions that is my vehicle that helped cultivate and fester this concerning infection. Since they refused to admit me after into the hospital after pleading they wanted to set up Out-Patient Wound Care instead but since I don’t have a permanent residence/ physical address for the supplies to be shipped to, they could not provide Wound Care Services.

On my August 15/ 2023 Follow up Appointment I yet again stressed the severity of my deplorable living conditions and asked to please be admitted for fear that my wound would just get worse. Because of my situation and not being able to get Out-Patient Wound Care, I asked if I could come to the Hospital Wound Care Department Twice a Week to have my Bandage Professionally Changed and Monitored and once again I was told NO. I was given a few supplies to clean and change my own wound/ dressings. Since I wasn’t able to do it myself I found someone who was willing to come to the parking lot and change it for me there.

At yet another Follow Up Appointment on August 29/ 2023 the Surgeon who saved my Life the first time back in July of 2022 with my left Leg Amputation, walked into the room, took one look at the wound and said “You Need to Be Admitted to the Hospital”. The Look on their Face said it all…The infection got SO bad that Doctor said that there is no way that this wound would/ will ever heal in the conditions that I am living in (Which is what I stressed for weeks on end). The Doctor then Performed an Exam and concluded that there was a massive deep infection, a deep hollow cavity, all extremely concerning. In clinic mini surgery commenced, without freezing.

I asked the Doctor if my Right Foot can be Saved and I was told they will try but there is a VERY HIGH Probability that I am going to lose this leg as well, though no fault of my own, this yet again could have been prevented!!! I am now truly on the verge of Becoming a DOUBLE LEG AMPUTEE. I told the Doctor if they can’t save it, just remove it as I don’t want to have to go through a long drawn out process of pain and suffering…AGAIN for something that is likely inevitable.


Since I was finally admitted to the Hospital on August 29th it has been nothing short of a Nightmare. The amount of mistakes that have been made during my stay here as well as lack of supplies (ex. Waiting weeks for a vac pump which still hasn’t arrived) has created more problems than solutions - see pictures. The risk of losing my other foot/ leg is becoming more and more of a reality every single day…..


On October 31st I was informed at 10am that I was being discharged in 3 hours with still a horrific gaping wound. The shock of my forced swift departure left me speechless… I was in no shape to be released but alas I was given 2 options. A) a Motel or B) a Shelter. For obvious reasons that I’ve stated before a Shelter isn’t conducive to my Handicapped Needs as well, to my dismay the Motel is Dog Friendly, which I am extremely allergic (the Discharge Team has known that for a long time).
Alas the Motel was the only option. When I arrived they put me in a NON-Handicapped Room with no other provisions (ex. Food and Water).
I frantically contacted the Case Worker to inform her of the conditions as this was already suppose to be in place before being discharged. Finally I was moved to a somewhat Handicapped Accessible Room and was awaiting for the Provided Meal Program to be Delivered (I was suppose to be on a Strict Special Diet for another week due to a Medication that was given to me in the hospital).. I was never asked about Food Allergies or any Dietary Restrictions. Food didn’t arrive until the following day in the afternoon and when it arrived it was all Frozen and my Room does not have a Microwave in order for me to cook it.

I am suppose to be getting Wound Care everyday with Specific Instructions and Certain Products due to the nature of my wound… still to this day of Sunday November 5th, No Wound Care Supplies have been Delivered.

Don’t get me wrong I am Truly Grateful that I have a Room and Roof over my head for the time being (this Motel Stay is only Temporary/ Don’t know how long my stay is for) but this isn’t the place to be to Heal Properly in order to Save my Foot from Amputation… This Morning my Wound/ Foot and up my Leg is severely swollen and red. I wish they never Discharged me as I am truly fearful that I am going to lose my other foot.

Now this is where my Hopeful Financial Miracle Begins…

Prior to this amputation, I worked as a carpenter/ construction worker my entire life and still had so many plans for the future. I was always self-sufficient and able to look after myself. I am now 69 (soon turning 70 on September 7th), disabled, trying to rebuild my life from the ground up into a situation that is conducive to both my requirements and limitations. With not being able to work and prior Covid Lockdowns, all my funds that I had saved up were used up quickly leaving me now homeless for the past 10 Months. My pension barely covers the cost of food for me every month. I have been confined to living in my 26 year old pickup for the past 10 months - I am stranded in this truck and have no access to a toilet/ shower/ washroom due to my immobility - I sleep, use the bathroom all in my Driver Seat. This vehicle now (due to its age) is not safe to drive long distances, even the short distance around the corner for washroom privacy is risky. Major Transmission Problems, Steering & Brake Issues, the list goes on.

Being told that I am not a candidate for a prosthetic because of my bulbous stump left me completely devastated and beyond myself. The doctors want to make a revision surgery(s) in hopes to reshape it, but it is not guaranteed to work. They feel I will be wheelchair bound for the rest of my life. Why would I want to subject myself to continuous surgeries and endure all that pain and suffering when there are options available for people like me. I have found a manufacturer in the United States who specializes in amputees with this issue. Like anything specialized in life, it is very expensive. The Ontario Government only covers the most basic of prosthetics, which I do not qualify for. The type of prosthetic I am looking for is one that has bionics/microprocessor joints and components which matches the pace and gait of my other leg/joints to protect me against falls which is crucial for my safety and well-being. Prosthetics only last 2-5 years depending in the type and level of wear and tear. Now being permanently disabled I have discovered the massive amount of money that is required to be somewhat normally functioning again. The ability to walk is a fundamental right of every human being. I would truly like to get there again - this will be a long journey as I have become so incredible Weak and have Atrophied Significantly due being Stuck and Immobile in my Vehicle for so long. My disability expenses are going to be extensive for the rest of my life. This is why I am launching this GoFundMe to help cover these costs.

With the HIGH PROBABILITY of losing my other leg things have become even more dire and more expensive.

The funds will be used to cover:

Permanent Housing + modifications required for my needs

All amputee disabled persons have their own specific needs (height of bed, where grab bars are, type of flooring in room in order for wheelchair to roll around easily, roll in shower etc.) When lodging is listed as “handicapped accessible” it truly isn’t 100% - for everyone. I truly appreciate the offers of help for communal shelters/ limited hotel lodging that I have received, but one day here and there is not helping me, it’s causing more commotion, stress and trauma constantly moving in and out of different places - nothing is long term. Shelters are a 30-45 day Max and you have to leave every morning and my mobility is so limited I need help, they aren’t truly Disabled Friendly. it just doesn’t work. I need to find a permanent home that is conducive to my needs

Prosthetic(s) (possible for both legs now) - every 2-5 years as that is how long they usually last
Ongoing Physio/Rehabilitation - Not Covered by OHIP
Handicapped Accessible Van - newer model for better warranty so it can
last the rest of my life
Regular Wheelchair - Quickie Nitrum
Electric Wheelchair
PSW support
All ongoing medical needs/support pertaining to amputation(s)

From the depths of my soul, I thank each and every one of you who choose to donate your hard earned dollars to help me rebuild my life. I didn’t ask for this situation and it’s a tough pill to sallow KNOWING it could have been prevented… The gratitude runs incredibly deep and I will forever be indebted to those who help me Rise from the Ashes like a Phoenix.

I will be in the hospital for the next 2 months, even celebrating my Birthday there (September 7th). Being able raise this money as quickly as possible would be the GREATEST BIRTHDAY GIFT OF MY LIFE!!!!! Being able to get things in motion and solidified before my discharge is so incredibly pivotal and vital.

PLEASE Share My Story with everyone you know - Friends, Family, Coworkers, heck even share it on Social Media with Celebrities! You Never know the Miracles that can Happen overnight with the right Eyes.

Also! A loved one set up some Social Media Pages for me if you'd like to follow my journey there or share it with friends & family to help continue the spotlight on my Story/GoFundMe.
TIK TOK - @gofundthomas
INSTAGRAM - @gofundthomas_
TWITTER - @GoFundThomas_

Thank you again & God Bless!

Immense Gratitude,


  • Colleen Mohr
    • $200
    • 2 mos
  • Maria Vidotto
    • $500
    • 2 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $10
    • 2 mos


Thomas Mohr
Oakville, ON

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