Help rebuild the Ward’s lives-fire took everything
Yesterday I received the saddest phone call... A phone call that I wish no person ever had to make. My best friend Rebekah was in tears and trying to explain to me what happened. Through the distress I made out “My house is burning down to the ground!” The saddest news ever.
Rebekah was driving back home from work (she’s a nurse in an aged care facility an hours drive from her house) when she called me. Luckily her 3 most prized possessions - her 3 boys - were on the way to footy training with their Dad - James, Becs husband. So they were all safe. Thankfully!
They have lost absolutely everything. Their whole world. The boys toys, books, the whole families clothes, personal items, linen, toiletries, photos, non replaceable heirlooms, furniture, memories and the list goes on and on. The main thing - the 5 of them are alive and still here, but literally only have the clothes they have on their back left!!
If you can spare anything, even $5 - it will be greatly appreciated and so helpful in rebuilding their lives.
Thank you for reading!! Thinking of you Bec, James and especially those beautiful 3 boys xxx