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Help Rebuild Veteran Don's Life After Fire

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Hi, my name is Tamara and I am fundraising for my dad, Don. He lost everything yesterday in the South Fork Fire in Ruidoso, New Mexico. I live in Houston, Texas.

Don is 74 years old and is a disabled US Army veteran who has been living in Ruidoso for decades. He works part-time as a security guard to supplement his disability income. His mom - my grandmother - build a cabin in Ruidoso in the 1960's and it eventually became her full time home. My dad returned to Ruidoso to care for her when she was dying of heart disease. He fell in love with the place and has spent the past decade cleaning out the house, fixing it up and making repairs with his own two hands. He spends his spare time fixing computers for neighbors and helping veterans in Ruidoso apply for VA services and get to doctor appointments. He gives of himself to his friends, neighbors, and local community and never asks for anything in return.

But yesterday, all that changed. Fire swept in from the forest our property backs up to and burned my dad's house, cars, and all his belongings to the ground. Fortunately, he is safe. But it's going to be a long road to recovery.

The house was not insured. We encouraged it years ago - after all, wildfires have happened up there for a long time - but the house wouldn't pass inspection since he'd made do with all sorts of clever (non-code) electrical, plumbing, and heating workarounds. It would have been terrifically expensive to rewire and redo everything and he wouldn't hear about us helping him cover the cost. So he made do. He made it work. He was happy as a clam in his little old house that he'd put so much love into. But now he is homeless...and we need your help.

It's going to take a lot of money to get him a new place to live. As we wait for the dust to settle in Ruidoso (the fires are still burning) we are faced with both immediate and long-term questions around housing.

What we do know is that he needs a roof over his head. And we need your help to make it happen. There are a lot of answers we still don't know, but I do believe in the power of community. I believe in the power of story. And this one is just beginning to unfold. Please help with any amount that you can. All funds will go directly to clearing the remains from his lot and building a fire-resistant, modest home for him to live out his days in Ruidoso, a place that he loves so much. Thank you for your consideration, thoughts, and prayers.

I will update this post with more pictures of the property as they become available.


  • Sri Mattu
    • $50 
    • 2 d
  • Kay Parker
    • $50 
    • 3 d
  • Stacy Carrasco
    • $100 
    • 3 d
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 3 d
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 5 d


Tamara Claunch
Ruidoso, NM

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