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Help Reem's Family Leave Gaza & Find Safety

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Feeling helpless about the tragedy unfolding Gaza? Me too.

Especially, because my friend, Reem, is one of the thousands suffering. Reem Helles is the mother of three beautiful children - Abdulaziz (12), Tallinn (10), and Mohammed (4). Reem and her husband, Abdullah, want nothing more than to protect them and ensure they are safe, secure and thriving.

I got to know Reem inside Hey Lady!, an online community that empowers non-native English-speaking women to develop confidence and fluency in spoken English. Little did we realise that this connection would result in a desperate plea for help in a time of great need. As the Co-Founder of Hey Lady!, I know that through the power of our community, and the kindness of our networks around the world, we can create a real opportunity to help Reem and her family reach safety.

This is what I am asking of you today… For your help to ensure that Reem and her family are able to flee to safer place, where they no longer need to worry about where they can shelter, what they will eat or if they will wake up together the next morning.

Let me tell you a little more about this beautiful family…

Before the war, Reem was an enthusiastic English teacher, dedicated to nurturing the minds of young learners. And not so long ago, Reem and Abdullah realised a decade-long dream... They finally built a modest home of their own, in the north of Gaza! With their young family, they had hopes, dreams and endless joy.

But in an instant, that world changed. Devastatingly, their home is just one of the things that they have lost over the past 8 months, along with their car, their neighbourhood, friends and family.

Imagine the harrowing decision made to flee your flattened home, not knowing where to go, seeing the anguish in your children's eyes, clouded with fear. This has become Reem's reality. Since the initial air strikes and ensuing ground invasion, her family's relentless pursuit of safety has become her waking nightmare.

With Reem’s permission, I’m sharing a short video message that she has managed to send through, along with some footage of her home and neighbourhood. Those of you who know Reem will notice that the ever-present sparkle in her eye has been dampened, but not yet lost.

Reem's Words (firsthand): "Our journey to escape death began with the thunderous roars of war. As the ground shook and the skies darkened, I held my children close, whispering promises of safety I'd prayed I could keep. Our home, once a haven of love and laughter, became a distant memory as we sought safety in the homes of friends, relatives, and even strangers—anywhere that promised even a moment's respite from the relentless pursuit of destruction.

The haven we once cherished, resonant with joy and aspirations, has been reduced to mere echoes amidst the ruins. With each glimmer of hope for tranquillity, the shadow of war loomed closer, its presence inescapable. The cacophony of warfare—the staccato of machine guns and the rumble of tanks—became the ominous lullabies that soothed my children into slumber, while the acrid smoke of destruction filled our lungs.
Interspersed with these words are the stark images of our shattered existence—the remnants of our home, the havens of temporary safety, now mere fragments of the life we once embraced."

JOIN US, please, to help them on their path to safety and security. As Reem's family stands at a critical juncture, they reach out to us for a lifeline. What they hope for is simple and basic: they seek sanctuary in Egypt, and a new beginning. There, they aspire to rediscover the simple joys of life—teaching, learning, and living, liberated from the looming shadow of fear.

Our aim is to raise US$33,000 (AU$50,000), to ensure the family's safe passage over the Rafah border and on to Cairo ,with some funds in reserve to help them find temporary accommodation. Your generous donation will assist with the following:
  • The costs associated with border crossings and the onward journey to Cairo. (US$20,000 for 5 family members)
  • Living expenses for 3 months (US$10,500 to cover housing, food, clothes and medical care for the family) until they settle in their new home and find a reliable source of income.
  • Platform fees and Transfer fees (estimated at $2,100)

The funds will be transferred to Reem's cousin, Nour, who has fled from Gaza (via the same route that Reem will use) and has now settled in Cairo. She will arrange payment to the Egyptian Travel Agency (Hala Travel) who will facilitate the border crossing)

Your Impact: Please know that every contribution, regardless of its size, is deeply appreciated. Even if $4 is all you can only contribute, it will help us to collectively help Reem and her family to safety. And if you cannot donate, please share our message so that more people are able to contribute. Whatever support you are able to offer, you have our deepest gratitude.

With the sincerest gratitude and hope for a better future,

Emma, Marwa & Hasna (and many more women of Hey Lady! who will be overjoyed to know their friend has reached safety)

We will continue to update you here on our fundraising progress, and of course, share updates of Reem's journey. We look forward to celebrating with you, once they have crossed the border and started their new life!

Faire un don


  • Anonyme
    • $250
    • 1 d
  • Anonyme
    • $30
    • 1 d
  • Anonyme
    • $20
    • 2 d
  • Sevde Efe
    • $15
    • 2 d
  • Anonyme
    • $150
    • 2 d
Faire un don

Équipe de collecte de fonds (4)

Emma Jakobi
South Fremantle, WA
Hasna Maalaoui
Team member
Marwa Shafae
Team member
Pınar Efe
Team member

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