Help Replace Cameron's Vital Fridge
Tax deductible
One of the greatest privileges of my ministry is my ongoing partnership with Cameron Community Ministries. I have recently (December) returned to a position on the Board, and I wanted to reach out for your support.
Cameron provides more than 30000 meals each year to people in our community. To do this important work, we need all of our equipment in top shape. It has come to my attention that our main walk-in refrigerator needs replacement. Without this vital piece of equipment, the food we receive from our community partners cannot last long enough for us to turn it into healthy, filling meals.
Here is where you can help.
The total cost of the replacement walk-in refrigerator is $13,000. Our Board members have generously contributed approximately half of that amount. Other community groups have already contributed, as well, and we are incredibly thankful. We need to raise $6,000 more.
Please help us meet (and exceed) this goal. Any funds we raise beyond the total cost for this project will be set aside for future kitchen capital expenses -- as we know, things need replacing from time to time, especially things that are used on a daily basis as they are at Cameron. Any amount, large or small, will help us meet this goal and have a huge impact on our ability to serve our community. Thank you for your generosity!
Michael Ford
Rochester, NY
Cameron Community Ministries