Help Restore The Lipstick Lounge
The Lipstick Lounge is the most welcoming, neighborhood bar for all humans. Over the years, the owners and employees have gone above and beyond to help out the East Nashville community. We should give back and return the favor.
“Lipstick” may still be standing after the devastating tornado, but there’s damage, loss of power still and the inability to be open to pay for the employee wages and generate revenue to keep the doors open for good. The bills don’t stop - every day the lights aren’t on is a total loss. The owners are doing what they can out of their own pockets to help their employees during this tragedy, but they are struggling. We can NOT allow this East Nashville institution and safe haven to shut down. We set the goal at$20,000, but that probably isn’t enough. Please, as much as The Lipstick Lounge has filled our hearts with love, let’s fill their pockets with needed donations. ❤️
And straight from the owners’ mouths about a week before the tornado struck, “If people are having ahard time, we do fundraisers. If we’re being blessed, we turn around and try and do it for somebody else.” - Christa Suppan (http://gomag.com/article/the-lesbian-friendly-bar-in-nashville-where-every-night-is-karaoke-night-everyone-is-your-friend/).