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Help Restore QRI Therapy Center for Special Needs

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As you know Crystal River FL was hit hard by Hurricane Helene. The storm surge damaged many homes and businesses beyond repair.
QRI is a small business run by Bonnie and Jamie with the goal of helping children with special needs (as well as many adults) In 2018 they opened up The Brain Boost Center in Crystal River. Beyond the online help and guidance they provide for at home reflex integration, they have been able to provide in person therapy to not only treat our special needs kids but allow elderly and others to use in between. The equipment there is one of a kind. I have attended many times a year with multiple members of my own family and seen amazing things take place.

Unfortunately the weather has not been kind to the area in the last several years. In 2023 the center was damaged and required repairs due to a hurricane and later a tornado that caused a tree to go directly through the roof. In the past they have managed to put all hands on deck and do much of the work on their own or over time.
During this storm Jamie unfortunately lost everything in her house. Bonnie’s house took on a foot of water sustaining damage and a large amount of clean up demand as well. If you are familiar with Florida there are no basements. If you take on a foot of water it's in your living space.

Bonnie has helped children and families all over the world. Many have reached out and asked how they can help from afar. I am setting up this Go Fund me so they can begin the process of putting the center back together. The walls and flooring will need to be replaced. The money raised here will go directly to repairs of the center. As you can see in the photo above-despite their own homes being damaged right now they are prioritizing getting the center repairs started just 24 hours after seeing the damage.

I am not an employee of QRI and do not live in FL myself. I am a parent who has been using QRI as our main therapy for over 7 years with incredible results. Bonnie and Jamie have been an incredible source of support for my family and many others. I want to do what I can to support from afar. I have been in touch with Jamie and she has suggested this is the way that will be most helpful at this time. Thank you in advance!


  • GoFundMe.org
    • $550
    • 11 d
  • Shoba Iyer
    • $100
    • 17 d
  • Penelope Pfeffer
    • $50
    • 20 d
  • Alessandra Brioschi
    • $200
    • 22 d
  • Clifford Romme
    • $100
    • 22 d

Spendenteam (3)

Danielle Verro
Crystal River, FL
Bonnie Brandes
Jamie Barker
Team member

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