Help Rhonda & Ronnie with Monthly bills
On October 7th 2020 I was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma, cancer of my tongue . After many tests and Dr appointments it was determined to have spread into the lymph nodes in the right side of my neck.
On January 14th 2021 , I had a hemiglossectomy and neck dissection, with free flap reconstruction. They took 2/3 rds of my tongue and I had to have 2 skin grafts . One on my left leg and on on my left forearm . The surgery took 15 hours! I spent the next 9 days recovering at Upstate hospital in Syracuse.
I came home on January 23rd with a feeding tube and a trach and a lot of pain. I can’t speak totally because my tongue is still swollen.
Ronnie has taken off work to care for me while I heal. We thought he would be paid as normal , through the Family Care Act ,but it’s a little more complicated than we thought. There is tons of paper work for us and my doctors , and it is not instant like we thought .
So now I have been home 21 days and Ronnie has been off 21 days with no pay and our bills are building up.
I never thought I would have to ask for help like this but here I am. If you could find it in your heart to help us out, we would be forever grateful and when we get back on our feet and I am fully healed we will pay it forward any way we can.
Thank you !