Help Richard Sanchez and Esco Heal After Tragic Hit and Run
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Hello All, The Sanchez Family wanted to share an update on my Father Richard Sanchez. Richard was walking our Family Dog, Esco on the evening of January 24th. My Father remembers being struck by a vehicle from behind leaving him seriously injured, along with having major surgeries that have taken place since the incident. Richard must having continued ongoing medical care, and supplies that is needed to continue with his healing journey. This has been very devastating for my Father, and the Sanchez Family, including our Family, and Friends.
Our dog Esco, who we now call “Esco the Hero”, miraculously managed to make it back home, to Alert the Family, after also being hit by the vehicle. Esco arrived home just shortly before the Police had arrived at our home to let our Family know about the tragic incident that happened.
The Sanchez Family want to give a big, Thank You to all who have supported thus far with the tragic situation that happened My Father, Richard Sanchez. My Family suffered the loss of my Brother in 2023, and now having to go through having my Father being hit by a car with suffering major injuries, in which this does not make things easy, but we must continue to be strong as a Family and be there for one another.
My Father was able to come home from the hospital on Monday evening, February 3rd, 2025. He is not able to have any weight on his legs at all currently. Very little mobility currently. My Father has had 3 surgeries completed: Spine, Pelvis, and his Left Leg. He also must have surgery on his left leg soon; once he is able to slightly bend it, this is also allowing some time for his pelvis, and spine to heal. He had to have stitches and staples in the back of his head on the right side, and stitches on his forehead. He has a lot of bruises throughout his body, which has caused him definite discomfort, due to the soreness. He has screws, and plates in his back, in which this is supporting his pelvis, and his spine. He has screws in his left leg. This hit and run incident has caused so much pain, and discomfort for my Father, and life changing. We are Praying that he will be able to walk normally again once his surgeries are complete, and as he continues to heal.
Our Family Dog, Esco, whom we now call, "Esco the Hero", has been seen by the Veterinarian. Esco the Hero has been given pain medication, for he has shown signs of soreness in his back legs, in which he has now completed. Our second oldest Son, who took Esco to the Vet, was told that x-rays may not be needed at the time. Esco the Hero was finally able to Wag his tail again for the First Time on 2/12/2025, since the Hit and Run, We were so excited about this! Esco the Hero is Super excited to have my Father home. The Family reminds him that, everything is okay. Esco the Hero will have to continue to have follow up medical appointments to assure that his healing process is taking place successfully.
This accident will change the career for my Father in which he was training in HVAC, in which this my possibly lead to a different career path in the future for him, and or possibly having to receive disability. My Mother has taken, Family Medical Leave from work to care for my Father. My Family will support our Dog during this difficult time for our family. Due to my Mother being at her current job for a little over six months, she will have to adjust her time diligently after May 2025, to be able to continue to support my Father with his medical needs, supplies, medical appointments, along with any additional support that my Father will need ongoing. My Mother can receive support through the State for LOA, but again, however, this will only secure her employment for a certain amount of time. This too makes it very difficult to assure that that my Family will have the Finances needed to stay afloat. My Father has applied for Medical Assistance through the State, hoping this can relieve some of the burden for my Mother, and the Family. With my Mother’s Medical Insurance through her employment only covering so much of the medical expenses, any additional will have to be out of pocket and having the State as a Secondary Insurance. The Family is also connecting with Financial Assistance Program through the Hospital. We have been able to rent a wheelchair, and purchase a bedside commode, and other necessities that my husband needs currently.
This is just the beginning of the medical expenses, but we know that God will continue to be our guide, and our Provider.
My Father, Richard Sanchez, and my Mother, Lori Sanchez is asking for your generous support raising $500,000.00 dollars, to support with the current medical bills, and ongoing medical bills due to my Husbands injuries; with myself being on FMLA to take care of my Husband; Also supporting with medical needs for our Family Dog, Esco. Your continued support will tremendously help with relieving the stress, and the burden from my Mother, and our Family.
“All things work together for the good to them that Love the Lord”, (Romans, 8:28). Thank You for your continued support on this Healing Journey. This too shall pass, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18.

Organizer and beneficiary
Loriaunna Sanchez
Renton, WA
Lori Sanchez