Help Right 2 Dream Too Stay Open!
Tax deductible
Right 2 Dream Too (R2DToo) is urgently running out of money and needs your help to stay afloat.
We have secured an anonymous pledge to match donations up to $10,000! Our initial goal of $10,000 will be matched fully, so any donation made to this GoFundMe (up to $10K) will be doubled for a total of $20,000. That is enough money to operate R2DToo for four months!
R2DToo is a 501(c)(3) organization that is operated entirely by unhoused people and has been providing safe, very low-barrier alternative shelter in Portland since 2011. We currently have 18 members who reside in 16 tiny homes and operate the shelter areas that accommodate up to 60 additional people per night, with separate areas for men, women, and couples of any gender, and pets are welcome.
As of March 25, 2024 we have less than 2 months of operating revenue remaining. This means that if we don't secure more funding quickly, approximately 70 people who would typically have shelter, community, and other resources through R2DToo will be back on the streets of Portland each night. You can help us prevent that.
It is notable that R2DToo uses very few City or County resources. We do not rely on police to keep our members and guests safe, instead utilizing trauma-informed crisis intervention and de-escalation techniques by our unhoused members who call R2DToo home, all of whom understand the challenges of unsheltered survival. Right 2 Dream Too embodies the values of mutual aid and self-determination. Emergency services are only utilized for medical emergencies.
Our model is extraordinarily cost efficient. Last year R2DToo’s total annual operating expenses were just over $60,000. This is without any paid staff, operated directly by the unhoused members who live in the tiny houses on site, who have cultivated R2DToo as a community. This means 100% of our funding goes to essential operational expenses, primarily porta-potty rental and maintenance, electricity, and garbage removal. So your donations go directly to keeping people safe and our streets cleaner.
My name is Danielle Klock. I am a former Executive Director at Sisters of the Road and Operation Nightwatch in Portland. I have been a member of Hygiene4All’s Board of Directors since 2019, and I am currently a volunteer and Board candidate for R2DToo. For years I have witnessed unhoused loved ones and neighbors be traumatized by systemic oppression and violence. Many people have died (including my son) from the lack of access to abundant resources. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Please help us secure emergency funding while we pursue longer-term solutions to keep this desperately needed community asset alive. All funds raised will go directly to Right 2 Dream Too.
Danielle Klock
Portland, OR
Right 2 Dream Too