Help Riley VanDusen His Truck was Stolen, Damaged
Our son's friend, Riley (24 yrs old), had his truck stolen from in front of his house on Wilcox on Sunday afternoon, June 13. He admits he left the keys in it to run in and grab his fishing pole. He was inside for just a few seconds when his truck was stolen! They took off in it and it was found later that night behind the Big Lots on Sterling. Whoever had taken it stole everything out of it. They took his 3 children's car seats, all of his landscaping tools and 2 weedwhackers. He is trying to start a landscaping/lawnmowing business and this was his new equipment he purchased to do that.
From the damage done to the truck, they appeared to have been joyriding! The front bumper was smashed in, lots of scrapes along it. The running boards on each side were dented in. The tires have some tread issues now and the transmission seems to be having problems. I don't know the logistical terms but it is not running very well!
Please help me help Riley get his truck fixed, replace his landscaping equipment. We have been very blessed by people who are planning to bring some car seats in to replace the 3 that were taken. He knows he should not have left his keys in the truck and believe me, he will never do that again!
Thank you so much for your help! No matter what you hear that says otherwise, Peoria does have lots and lots of wonderful people in it!