Help Rodney Get on His Feet!
When I met Rodney he was sitting on a bus bench minding his business, on that day I brought him lunch and since then we’ve been friends. Rodney is originally from Ohio and has lived homeless the last 25-35 years. Recently I raised enough money to get Rodney a room for a month in a local hotel but time is running out on his reservation and I would love to raise enough money to get Rodney his own place! A few days ago I took Rodney to the bank and got him connected to his $187.00 Social security payment that he will now receive monthly. Today we got him approved for $228 in Food stamps that he will now receive monthly All Rodney needs is a place to call home. Rodney is the sweetest most kind human being who deserves our help. To see more videos of Rodney Visits TikTok: NiceGuyEnterprise