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Help Rowdie Recover and Support His Family

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Hello Friends, Brothers and Sisters… I am looking for assistance with raising funds for Rowdie and Savannah.
Rowdie was involved in a very unfortunate accident that will keep him out of work for a while.
Rowdie is my apprentice and has become a close friend. He is a very special person and he has a heart of gold. He is the hardest worker and wants to be the best helper for everyone he works for.
Rowdie is a Model apprentice that has worked for me for almost a year.
He is the kindest man and always brings joy to me and everyone else who is around us.
Rowdie always wants to help everyone so it’s time for us to do the same for him.
Thank you for support through this difficult time!!!
Please keep Rowdie and his family in our thoughts and prayers

Thanks again for your help!!!!


Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kevin Randall
Troutdale, OR
Savannah Dalton

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