Help RVA Street Bunny Society's Spay and Neuter Fund!
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Help us raise money for spay and neuter surgeries for former street bunnies!
RVA Street Bunny Society is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to rescuing and caring for abandoned bunnies. A critical part of this mission is ensuring that every bunny we recover is spayed or neutered. This not only prevents worsening the companion animal overpopulation crisis and future dumped bunnies, but is also essential for the health and wellbeing of each bunny.
In October alone we have taken in four dumped bunnies; a male bunny we caught in Lynchburg who was taken to Lynchburg Humane Society, and three female bunnies caught by folks in a residential neighborhood in Roanoke, currently with us in foster. We are working to catch another bunny, suspected to be male, from that same neighborhood.
Today RVA SBS has 16 bunnies in our care. Of these, 10 female bunnies (KJ, Artemis, Apollo, Ramen, Raisin, Honeybun, Alice, Pumpkin, Blackberry, and Hazel) and 3 male bunnies (Oliver, Rotini, and Sonic) are in need of spay and neuter surgeries. The other 3 bunnies (Cookie, Nelson, and Cheesepuff) have recovered from their surgeries and are ready for adoption!
Thanks to our supporters, Pumpkin, Blackberry, and Hazel will receive emergency spay surgeries on Monday, but after that, our bank account will be back down to $0. Each spay and neuter surgery costs between $100-$200, so we need your help!
Each bunny who recovers from surgery and receives their vaccinations is able to be placed for adoption, allowing us to continue placing newly caught bunnies with foster families instead of taking them to local shelters. Most central VA shelters, especially in the greater Richmond area, do not spay or neuter rabbits prior to placing for adoption, if they are prepared to intake rabbits at all.
Can you spare a few dollars to help us provide necessary veterinary care to our rescue bunnies? Even if we exceed our fundraising goal, we will continue to have more abandoned bunnies to rescue who will require veterinary care. We receive several notifications each month about dumped domestic bunnies in central VA.
We would love to have funding set aside for spays and neuters prior to rescuing so that we are not rushing to fundraise each time, especially for emergency surgery cases.
Donations are not currently tax deductible as we are awaiting our 501(c)(3) status.
More about why we spay and neuter:
-Bunnies reproduce at an alarming rate. An unspayed female bunny can birth a litter of up to eight bunnies every 30 days. Because bunnies can become fertile at as early as four months old, a single pair of unaltered bunnies can produce hundreds of bunnies in one year - and there are already thousands of bunnies who need loving homes.
-Spaying female bunnies significantly reduces the risk of uterine cancer, a common and often fatal condition that occurs in 60-80% of unspayed female bunnies by age three. Spaying greatly extends the lifespan of a female bunny, who can live up to twelve years if she is spayed.
-Neutering males prevents testicular cancer and can reduce aggression and unwanted behaviors, making them calmer, happier bunnies.
-Altered bunnies are more likely to find homes. They tend to have better temperaments and can be bonded with other bunnies. Bunnies are incredibly social animals, so for most bunnies, having a bonded mate gives them a much better quality of life and can even help them live longer.
Thank you for reading and for your support!
Jean-Carlos Baker
Richmond, VA