Help Saif, Sabah, and Saami start a new life
Saif and his wife Sabah are refugees from Somalia. They sought asylum in Australia in 2013. They were illegally detained in immigration detention on Nauru, where they had baby Saami in 2017. Sabah and Saami were transferred to Brisbane for medical attention in 2017 and have lived in the community since then. Saif was separated from his wife and newborn child.
For four years Saif was held in detention, unable to hug his son for long periods of time. In April 2021, he was released into the community. Shortly after this the family was relocated to the United States, where they are trying to start their life over in Minneapolis.
We are raising money for the family to buy a used car. It is almost impossible to thrive in this part of the country without a vehicle. Having a car significantly expands access to public services and employment opportunities. On top of this, Saami has special education needs which are very difficult to attend to without access to convenient transport.
Please consider helping this lovely family get the new start that they deserve. Any amount you can spare for refugee justice would be greatly appreciated!