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Help Sam Get Home To Dad

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There are many great things about living and teaching abroad, but there are downsides as well; the biggest is being so far away from family in a time of emergency and need. My boyfriend Sam's father Jerry has been struggling with early-onset dementia for about 2 years. Sam has already planned and budgeted to go home to America in June to be with his family and to help care for his father. Unfortunately, Jerry's condition has progressed much faster than anticipated, and Jerry is currently making the transition from life to death.  It is very important to Sam that he is able to get home and spend time with his father during his last days.

However, our foreign teacher's salary makes buying last-minute international plane tickets very difficult.  I've made this page for anyone who is willing and feels moved to help Sam out in this very difficult time. Any money raised will go towards Sam's flight costs, and if those costs are met any remaining money will be used for funeral and memorial services.  

In advance, thank you so much for your help and compassion.  These unexpected occurances are both daunting and difficult, but it's the kindness and love that those around us show that make it possible to deal with these realities.  


Maeve + Sam


  • Elisabeth Underwood
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Maeve Downey
East Hiram, ME
Samuel Hewat

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt