Help Sammy Hooper with medical & homecare expenses
As many of you know our dad Sam Hooper was injured in a trackhoe accident on July 8, 2021 when a tree came in on him. He has endured 2 surgeries and a skin graft. He has a break in his fibula as well as lots of internal bruising with outside burns and lacerations to his leg. He has also sustained kidney injury due to the trauma of his leg. Sam has done lots for his community especially for MHS Athletics.
We ask the community if they can come together to help him as he has helped so many others. He will be out of commission for 6 months to a year depending on his recovery. As well as his wife Theresia will be missing work to take him to his appts and physical therapy. Sam, Theresia and their girls appreciate any help you can give. Thank you!