Help Sasaki Judo Stay Open For Business 御協力お願いします
Hello Everyone, I am Shinjiro Sasaki and I am an owner/operator of a Judo Dojo here in Orlando Florida.
The effects of COVID-19 have greatly impacted our state of Florida where restraints of physical activity have been placed outside of emergency situations. Throughout my Judo experience of 34 years, never have I been in such a situation.
My Judo students consist of 80 members at the dojo, 250 students at the University of Central Florida and approximately 30 youth individuals who are of special needs.
As a former professional athlete and a current instructor it’s been very difficult being away from my students. I truly feel that I was born to do this job and teaching my students is my life’s work. I simply don’t know what I would do if I was unable to have my students, who I have grown very close to and love like family.
Rather than discontinue instruction to my students, I have utilized video conferencing tools such as ZOOM for my students and provided live sessions via Facebook/Instagram for the judo community free of charge. However, like any other small business owner and a family man, some level of income is required. Otherwise my dojo, my family, and the programs provided to the judo community will no longer be a reality.
If my virtual sessions continue at zero charge to the public, it will cause great financial difficulty to my family and deplete all of my financial resources. On the contrary, if a decision is made to collect payments from individuals, a large number of judoka will not have the financial resources to participate due to all of us being effected by Covid-19.
In order to prevent having to close the dojo and continue providing Virtual Judo Sessions to the public free of charge, the support of the global judo community is a necessity.
In such regards, I have started Crowd Funding in order to hold my dojo over until this pandemic comes to a conclusion.
Without the generous support of friends and family of the judo community, my teachings to the dojo students, the university students, students of special needs, and the individuals participating in the virtual classes will cease to exist.
Therefore, I am asking for everyone’s support in order to continue to serve the Judoka community and allow my judo teachings to continue.
We thank you for your kind consideration.
Your Judo Friend,
Shinjiro Sasaki
If you would like to learn more about our dojo, my story and how I got here, please take a couple minutes and watch this
Thank you so much! Here is a video of some of the work we're doing with University of Central Florida.
We made the news!!
そこで私の生徒にはZOOMを使い対面で授業をし、世界中の方々に向けてはFacebookと Instagramのアプリを使い無料でオンライン授業をしています。ありがたいことですが、私のオンライン授業を楽しみにしていただいていて、一緒にトレーニングをしているというメッセージを世界中からたくさんいただきます。できることならこのままこの無料のオンライン授業を続けていきたいです。しかし道場からの収入が大幅に減った今、道場の維持や私と家族の生活を支えていくのが難しくなってきています。残念ですが、私の力だけでは継続して行くことが非常に困難です。