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Help save abandoned Tad!

We recieved a plea that Tad had been abandoned when his family moved and left him in a filthy back yard in Detroit with no escape. He had been left by his "owners" to die. One of our volunteers made arrangements to pick up Tad the next morning. He was taken directly to the vet's office where it was determinded that he was very anemic. After some additional tests were run is was discovered that Tad was bleeding internally and would need a blood transfusion to survive. You see Tad was just trying to survive and was eating anything that he could find in that garbage filled yard including metal :( This is was has caused his internal bleeding issues. He also has carpet and other debris causing his blockage. He is currently being kept comfortable until he is stable enough for surgery.  Tad is just a year old and has known nothing but suffering in his young life. Please help us raise the funds to save Tad! We are committed to making him healthy and finding him the forever home of his dreams where he will be spoiled for the rest of his life.


  • Anónimo
    • $10
    • 7 yrs


Jennifer Mitch
Livonia, MI
Happy Days Dog and Cat Rescue

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