Help Save Adyatma
Donation protected
We are raising money on behalf of Adyatma eL Rahmit in order to try and save his young life. Adyatma's mother, Adek (Latifah Ainun) was a long time employee at Kandui Resort, is part of the extended Kandui family, and is in dire need of our help to save her baby. Adyatma was born severely premature after his mother Adek developed an amniotic fluid infection. He was born at 25 weeks and 6 days gestation and weighed just 900 grams (2 pounds). Adek's doctors insisted she deliver the baby early due to the severity of the infection and risk to the lives of both her and the baby.
Young Adyatma is a fighter and survived being born so prematurely but he has significant medical needs and remains dependent on a ventilator to breath since his lungs have yet to develop fully. He is currently being treated in the neonatal ICU at Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Bunda Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. His medical needs currently include a tube for feeding, intravenous lines for the medications he receives, continuous body temperature monitoring, and continuous monitoring of his heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturations. He has also developed a lung infection that is being treated with IV antibiotics.
Adek has been told by the hospital that they cannot continue caring for her child if she is unable to pay for his continued care. Adek does not have health insurance and thus far her pleas for assistance from the Indonesia government have gone unanswered. Adek reached out to us asking if there was anything we could do so we came up with a plan and this GoFundMe was created.
We have an amazing network of people who have come through Kandui Resort over the years and who have become a part of the Kandui Resort family. We are hoping that with your help we can all pitch in to raise the funds needed to give Adyatma a fighting chance.
The hospital has estimated that Adyatma's hospital costs will be at least $50,000.00 and he has already received a hospital bill for $40,000.00 for the first two months of care. We have set a goal of $70,000 as Adyatma is likely going to still require some medical care once he leaves the hospital and we want to make sure he has the care he needs to complete his recovery.
Whatever contribution you can make will be greatly appreciated and all funds raised will go directly to Adek to pay for Adyatma's medical care.
Update 9/8/18
A message from Adek:
To all who donated and contributed to help me and my child whose names I cannot mention one by one...
My family and I want to say thank you from the bottom of the hearts for all the of the donations, prayers, thoughts and hopes you have given to me and my family, especially to my baby Adyatma .
Since I gave birth to Adyatma on July 21, 2018, my life has totally changed. Giving birth to a child 25 weeks 6 days in to my pregnancy is something my family and I could never have imagined. I first received treatment at the hospital one week before Adyatma was born by cesarean section. The doctor tried to hold back the contractions that I was experiencing with medication and kept increasing the dose until I was trembling and could not take it anymore. My husband asked the doctor to keep the child in the womb for at least 30 weeks. The doctors tried their best but when they discovered I had an amniotic fluid infection, they had to deliver the baby.
Before they did the c-section, they told me and my husband that the possibility my child surviving was only 30-40%. They estimated the baby's weight was only 500-700 grams and told me that most likely my baby would not survive. My husband and I asked the doctors to do everything they could do to save my child. The doctor held a meeting before I delivered my baby, including with the pediatrician who now cares for Adyatma, and he told me he would try to do the best for my baby and asked me to help by praying because there was nothing I could do but pray.
After the baby was born weighing 900 grams they immediately put in the breathing tube, lots of hoses and tools that I didn't understand what they were for. They gave him a plastic bag as a blanket and put him in a little baby warmer. Sunday, July 22, 2018 was the first day I met Adyatma. The sky seemed to collapse and my world felt like it was flipped upside down. I did not understand what I was experiencing. I felt very frustrated and wanted to die, but every time I saw Adyatma he was very active, he seemed to tell me "don't be sad, mama, we will be able to pass this." Adyatma has always been the source of strength for my husband and I through all of this.
Monday July 23, 2018 the finance department called my husband and told him the amount of our bill for my cesarean and Adyatma's treatment for 3 days was almost Rp. 100,000,000 ($ 7,000), and that we have to pay this amount to continue Adyatma's treatment. We have a car and sold it. We borrowed money from our family. On August 1st, 2018 we payed the hospital Rp. 100,000,000.-
Even though our baby's condition remained critical, the hospital continued to ask for money. We felt very depressed and overwhelmed thinking that we would not be able to pay for the continued care of our baby. I did not know what to do but I remembered I had a father figure who may be able to help me. He is the kindest person I ever met in the Mentawaii's when I worked at Kandui Resort a few years ago, his name is Ray Wilcoxen. I wrote to Ray and I told him exactly what happened, I thought he would be petrified. I knew this was not a small amount of money and I would probably not make this much money in my entire life. I asked Ray to find an association or NGO and see if they could help with Adyatma's treatment.
I don't know exactly what Ray did, but finally he found Angels for me and my family, especially Adyatma. He was Mario Quiros. I have never even met Mario but he has an angel-like heart. Yes he is the angel God sent to me and my family. I don't know how Mario worked in less than 2 weeks to collect $ 25,000 for the payment of my first bill for Adyatma's treatment. Mario worked day and night to raise funds. Not only Mario but also Ali his wife also worked hard raise funds even though she was pregnant herself. I really do not know how to repay Mario and his extended family.
On this occasion I would also like to thank the Kandui Resort family, Cecilia Folkesson and her family, and all of my friends who helped raise funds. I don't know what else I can say... only thanks. I will teach my children to always be good people like all of the amazing people who have opened up their hearts and helped me and my family in our time of need.
Disclosures as requested by GoFundMe:
1. My name is Mario I. Quiros
2. I am from Miami, FL United States of America
3. I am raising money for a friend named Latifah Ainun (nickname Adek for prior Kandui guests) and her son Adyatma el Rahmit. I am a physician and have spent my past 5 summers volunteering my time and services at a surf resort in Indonesia called Kandui Resort. I have had the honor of making many friends during my time in this remote part of the world and this GoFundMe page was established to help one of those friends and her son in their time of need.
4. All of the funds will be used by Adek to cover the medical expenses accrued in the care of her child who remains hospitalized in a hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia.
5. I will be withdrawing the money and sending it directly to Adek. I will wire the money to her bank account in Indonesia once we have reached our funding goals or I will be sending the total balance in the account on September 13th, 2018 if we have not yet reached our goal since she is required to pay the first $25,000 bill by September 15th, 2018.
I hope this information helps provide transparency to all who have donated as well as the GoFundMe hosting site who has requested this information.
We were having some technical issues where payments were not going through over the weekend. If you want to make a donation and have any issues doing to please email me at [email redacted]
and bring it to my attention.
Fundraising team: Team Kandui (3)
Mario Quiros
Miami, FL
Adek Pm
Team member
Team member