Help Save Babe (Interstate 80 Piglet)
Hello, My Name is Bryce Andrews.
I am raising money to help Babe get the care she needs and deserves.
A few weeks ago, Babe was found in the middle of Interstate. We believe she had fallen out of a transport truck. This is what seems the most logical. I pulled over and was able to catch her and load her into the vehicle. She appeared to walk away without a scratch, at least that is what we thought.
I took her to the Vet to have a check up done and had some X-Rays completed. They had informed me that Babe sustained damage to her Femur, presumably from the impact of the fall. They also stated she will not be able to heal correctly without surgery.
Everything raised will go to her Surgery cost and expenses involved.
Life had different plans for Babe, and we want to do everything in our power to make sure she has a long, happy and healthy life. Please help us get her there!