Help Save Hideaway!
***UPDATE**** Thanks to all of your generosity, love, & support - our building owner saw from the quick money donated by all you wonderful people and we are getting a week extension to come up with the full amount! Thank you all so very much and please keep sharing!
Quick rundown on our situation: After purchasing Hideaway in March of 2020, it has been nothing but an uphill battle, fighting tooth and nail to do anything we can to keep the doors open. Despite doing numbers this retail location has never seen by any restaurant for over 40 years, every single penny we bring in is going straight back to EITHER: all of the lenders that helped us during the COVID crisis, ALL the distributors we were indebted to in Chicago acquired by past ownership, or ALL the holds/back taxes incurred by that same ownership. We probably should have done our homework a little better from the start so that this could have be prevented prior to the purchase agreement. We walked into loads of debt and that is not anything you want to face after taking over 2 days before the first shut down. But at the end of the day, that is neither here nor there. I am proud to say we got this business completely out of debt with the city. I am proud to say we are on the home stretch of paying back the MCA lenders who helped us get through to this point. But I am even more proud of what we built here and the friends who have supported us along the way. The Hideaway family is real, and I don’t want that going anywhere. I’ve exhausted pretty much every option I have to reason with the building on our outstanding rent owed, but it looks like that has finally ran its course and we are now faced with our backs against the wall. Hideaway is our baby, and I know it is a lot of yours as well. We are SO close to getting through this thing and making sure this place is here to stay for the long run. If you have ANY desire in helping us with that, PLEASE donate to our GoFund me and help us save Hideaway.
Thank you, and we love you all!