Save lives and the Alano Club in Sonoma County!
Tax deductible
I serve on the Board of Directors at the Sonoma County Alano Club and am reaching out for your support to help save the Club! The club has struggled since COVID and is in danger of having to close its doors!
The club owes $35,000 in deferred back rent (from COVID) and our individual membership support has dwindled drastically since COVID, being that many meetings have moved to an online format and have never returned to the Club. The building needs repairs to the floors and other improvements to the space to continue to meet insurance requirements and be a safe place for people to come.
This place SAVES LIVES, including my own!
Rehab centers wouldn't take me in, as I had been to too many of them. Detox was full and didn't have any beds available. It was very difficult to find help to stop drinking and using drugs. The Alano Club was open and there were meetings starting at 6:30am and sober people there all day. It was a safe place to go with daily morning, noon and evening meetings. I went every day. I got a sponsor and started working the steps while continuing to go to meetings at the Alano Club. I took a commitment at the Alano club to help keep me busy and helpful during the day.
Today, in big part thanks to the Alano Club, I have almost 7 years of sobriety and a COMPLETELY changed life. My story is not unique! This happens here - A LOT! A few years ago, I met a man at the Alano Club who had been homeless for 30 years! He kept coming back to the club, he asked me to sponsor him. Today, he has 4 years of sobriety and his own apartment!
The Sonoma County Alano Club is often on the front lines of alcohol and drug recovery, serving the homeless, the mentally ill. the court-ordered, the travelers and many other types, like myself, who simply had nowhere else to turn and was desperate.
Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me and to our community. You can support the Club with a monthly membership at, or give a one time donation there or here as well. Any and all support makes a HUGE difference in the lives of those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.
Sonoma County Alano Club Mission: To Furnish & Maintain Physical Facilities For The Members & Public For Educational & Recreational Uses In Order To Aid & Assist Persons In Recovery From Substance Abuse
Ryan Lee
Petaluma, CA
Sonoma County Alano Club