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Help save Peruvian English school

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Alfredo and his family have dedicated their lives to teaching English to impoverished children of Northern Peru. Every day, they invite dozens of children and teens into their home, feed them, and teach them English. For students that can't travel, Alfredo visits them in their villages.  His family acts as counselors and teachers to these poor children and help them build a bridge to a better future.

The rural highlands of Peru suffer from a 48.7% poverty rate . The children living in these areas endure all the difficulties of poverty.  Chronic malnutrition affects 46% of children in rural areas, there's insufficient medical care, little support for disabilities, and children are often raised by alcoholics, addicts, and abusive families.

For most, the only opportunity to escape poverty is the burgeoning tourism industry of Peru.  Tourism accounts for
10% of Peru's GDP and is growing rapidly.  The ability to speak English means they can get good jobs in hotels, restaurants, and tour companies.

Alfredo and his wife work tirelessly to prepare their students and to connect them with job opportunities when they're old enough.  They pay for all this out of their own pocket with money earned from paid teaching.

...Until November, when his wife fell ill.  She underwent emergency surgery and is recovering at home, but the medical costs wiped out their savings and they are at risk of losing their home/school.

We need to raise $250 by the end of December to avoid eviction, but our goal is to raise $1500 to keep the school running until March when the paying students return from their summer vacations.

Additionally, I am personally matching the first $500 in donations.  $2000 goes a long way in Peru.  Your contribution will help give hope to children who have none.  If you would like to do more, we are looking for sponsors for the school.  Please let me know.

A huge thank you from Ethan, Alfredo, and his family for helping to keep their dream alive.  By opening your heart and your wallet, you can help guide hundreds of children towards a better future.


Ethan Puzarne
San Francisco, CA

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