Help Save Queer Black Christmas!
Donation protected
My name is Tanya Compas , I'm a youth worker of 7 years and the founder of Exist Loudly , a creative youth organisation set up to support Black LGBTQ+ young people from London.
In 2019, after I was faced with the upset around spending my first Christmas estranged from my family, I decided to start an event called Queer Black Christmas, so that I could re-create Christmas not only for myself, but for other Black LGBTQ+ young people as well.
Christmas can be such a lonely and isolating time for Black LGBTQ+ young people and people of all ages, so Queer Black Christmas became a space of respite for young people to rediscover the joy of Christmas, in a space where they didn't have to hide their identity, or spend it isolated and alone.
Last year I ran Queer Black Christmas once again, it was touch and go at times because of the pandemic, but we made it happen because the reality is that it's a lifeline for so many Black LGBTQ+ youth.
This year, I tried to go the extra mile and make Queer Black Christmas even more special than ever. For the past month I have been working with a 'partner' who promised the world and back, provided a team of people, a huge budget and more.
Then today, a month after we began talks and less than a week before Queer Black Christmas, they pulled the plug. Just like that.
But they can't steal our Christmas and I won't let that happen.
Queer Black Christmas existed without external funders and partners, and we will continue to do so.
Hence why I've started this GoFundMe, because I need to be honest and say we need the support to make sure that Queer Black Christmas can be as special and most importantly as safe as possible for our young people.
Luckily I always keep a restricted amount of money saved back each year for Queer Black Christmas, but because of the over promise from the 'funder' and the added risks of COVID, I need that bit of extra funding to help make sure that the event can go ahead, safely and without taking away any of the magic we had planned.
The money fundraised from this GoFundMe will be used to cover the costs of:
- Young people's gifts
- Young people's travel via taxi to and from the event
- Christmas Lunch
- To pay the teams of Black LGBTQ+ people facilitating workshops and panel talks
- To cover the cost of decorations for the event
Any extra money fundraised will go towards funding a get together in the new year for any young people who miss out on Queer Black Christmas due to COVID-19!
The money will be withdrawn directly into a bank account that is used solely for Exist Loudly purposes.
The money fundraised from this GoFundMe will be used to cover the costs of:
- Young people's gifts
- Young people's travel via taxi to and from the event
- Christmas Lunch
- To pay the teams of Black LGBTQ+ people facilitating workshops and panel talks
- To cover the cost of decorations for the event
Any extra money fundraised will go towards funding a get together in the new year for any young people who miss out on Queer Black Christmas due to COVID-19!
The money will be withdrawn directly into a bank account that is used solely for Exist Loudly purposes.
If you can donate, that would be greatly appreciated. If you can't, just sharing with your networks will help more than you know!
Thank you,
Tanya Compas