Helping Scott and Tina with medical bills
Dear friends,
We need your help! Scott and Tina Miller are facing a crisis. Scott received a cancer diagnosis at a time when he is without health insurance.
On March 24th 2020 life changed for Scott and Tina, this fun and life-loving couple were faced with a diagnosis that no one should ever have to face. Scott was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of blood cancer
called Mantle Cell Lymphoma.
Scott and Tina have been together since high school as true kindred spirits. Over the years they have touched many of our hearts. When Scott walks into a room, he lights it up with his smile. He is Tina's rock and is always
ready to help anyone in need. Tina is well known by many as our friendly Speech and Language Pathologist.
With her infectious smile and kind heart, Tina always manages to lift the spirits of those around her, especially
the children she works with.
Although there is never a good time to get a diagnosis like this, receiving it during the COVID-19 outbreak
means that Tina can't even be with Scott at the hospital while he is getting his chemo. All visiting has been
suspended thus adding another layer of pain and suffering for them both when they need to be together.
We cannot imagine having to deal with tragic news like this while also worrying about how you will ever pay off the medical bills, which are projected to be well in excess of $100,000.
Please consider helping these two wonderful people during a time of great need. Let's show them our love by
donating and sending uplifting messages to them. No amount is too small and we know it will be greatly
Please keep Scott and Tina in your thoughts and prayers, they need them and they know that prayers work.
Thank you and God bless,
Bobbie King & Lynn Hancock