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Help Scott Roberts Save His Business and Reputation

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I am starting this GoFundMe on behalf of my brother, Scott Roberts. He and his wife Paige own and operate Roberts Physical Therapy and Massage in Richmond, Va. Scott has been a physical therapist for over 22 years and has owned his own business for over 20 of those years. Being his younger sister, I have always admired Scott's work ethic and his dedication to his patients – he has always worked long hours so he could help as many people as possible throughout the day, then he stays late to write meticulous notes in the evenings so he can be as prepared as possible the next time he sees those same patients.

He is caring, compassionate, and wants to make everyone feel better. That is his mission in life. Anyone that knows Scott or has been treated by him knows that his knowledge of the human body coupled with his unique abilities for addressing and eliminating pain are his superpowers. He truly has a gift!

Over the years, Scott has made a name for himself in the Richmond area. He has become a highly respected physical therapist and massage therapist and has patients traveling across state lines to see him. I have witnessed firsthand his determination towards achieving his goals and dreams. When he was younger, he worked multiple jobs to put himself through school. He obtained degrees at various levels. He became certified in many different sub-fields of physical therapy by taking courses over long weekends. He became a Teaching Assistant to the next generation of therapists.

He and his wife started their own business so they could provide a speciality clinic for patients. Even with the many headaches and challenges that come with owning a small business, Scott's passion for helping people oozed from his pores. He has always worked tirelessly to stay involved in the medical community and to gain as much knowledge as he can so he can treat each patient with the most comprehensive and individualized approach possible.

I am so proud of everything that he's accomplished. But, more than anything, I am proud of the man he has become. He is kind, generous, thoughtful, caring, supportive, sensitive, compassionate, and very sincere.

He has always been there for me, even in my darkest of days. Now, it's my turn to be there for him.

Over the past 2.5 years, Scott has been put through hell.

Somehow, this amazing physical therapist has been targeted by the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy and had his license suspended for merely recommending a valid treatment option. You read that right. He didn't actually do anything wrong. He has never been charged, arrested, or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony. But the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy is treating him like he is a criminal. They have stripped my brother of his ability to work, provide for his family, and help his hundreds of patients in need of his expertise.

A few months ago, Scott won a significant ruling in court when the Henrico County judge, who heard his appeal, ruled his constitutional rights to due process had been violated. Due process is a cornerstone to our judicial system. It is found in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution. Its purpose is to “protect individuals from arbitrary and capricious” actions by a government. Thankfully, the judge saw and ruled on what the rest of us witnessed during the Board of Physical Therapy’s formal hearing to suspend his license to practice.

Even though the judge ruled that Scott’s constitutional rights to due process had been violated by the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy, his license remains suspended. He is currently fighting to get his license reinstated. Over the past 2.5 years, my brother has endured hours of senseless interrogation, manufactured testimonies, and fabricated accusations. Anyone that has been in the room during these hearings and court appeals has been left completely dumbfounded, angered, and frustrated as to how this could happen to such an amazing and talented medical professional.

Scott and his wife are on the verge of losing everything – their business, their home, their livelihood, and Scott's hard-earned reputation. In order to survive, they have blown through their savings, refinanced their home, taken loans out and borrowed funds from family, clients and friends. The emotional and financial burden they bear is immense, pushing them to the edge of despair. It is heartbreaking to witness.

They are running out of money and their will to fight.

I am asking you to please consider donating to help my brother get back on his feet and to continue the fight to get his license reinstated.

Your donation, no matter the amount, will make a significant difference in helping Scott and Paige through this crisis. They desperately need financial assistance to cover daily living expenses and the mounting bills and legal fees that have accumulated during this prolonged ordeal.

Thank you for your compassion and support in this critical time of need.
Faire un don


  • William Shaw
    • $100 
    • 2 d
  • Anthony Shibley
    • $100 
    • 2 d
  • Anonyme
    • $20 
    • 5 d
  • Bill Jones
    • $100 
    • 6 d
  • Anonyme
    • $250 
    • 6 d
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Christine Kivett
Glen Allen, VA
Scott Roberts

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