Help SDSU Chabad repair damage caused by vandalism
The Jewish community and students of SDSU are sad to announce that our beloved Chabad house and second home on campus has been vandalized for the third time in just two months. Late last night, of what we believe to be two students, broke a branch off the Menorah in the front of the house, ripped the banner with Jewish students' pictures on it, and laughed while running off with the broken pieces. It is extremely hard for us to believe that our fellow SDSU students could be filled with such hatred to cause damage to our home, but we know that with the help of our community, we can get through anything. So, we decided as a group to make a GoFund Me page in order to help cover the costs of replacing the Menorah, the broken banner, and to show our love and support for Rabbi Chalom, his family, and SDSU Chabad house. The SDSU Jewish community is tired of feeling hurt from senseless, anti-Semitic attacks, but as Rabbi reminds us, we must always fight hatred with love. With that being said, if you would like to show your support to SDSU Chabad during this time, any amount of donation is appreciated and accepted. Thank you and Shabbat Shalom!
-The Jewish Students of SDSU