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Hi everyone my name is Daiasha I’m the daughter of Erika Mason. My mother had been in a relationship with a man who she thought was a different person he started off very sweet and loving. Then months into the relationship things started to change. He got into some trouble a few times and she noticed his attitude was changing and found he was using drugs and that didn’t sit well with her. He became verbally abusive and one day he put his hands on her and she tried to distance herself from him but it wasn’t easy. He choked her till she couldn’t breath and hear, once she went limp he let go. He told her if she ever leave him he would kill her because he can’t take another women playing with his heart or his feelings and mind. On Sunday , Father’s Day things changed . Which was supposed to be a good day but was a nightmare. My mother had enough she was frustrated and scared and wanted to be done. They got into a verbal argument and she told him that she was done and wanted him to go back to Milwaukee. He punched my mother in the face and said he would kill her she was asking for her belongings so when going to get her belongings the argument continued. He finally allowed her to get them and when she started to get them he counted off saying I’m about to kill you bitch and when she was reaching in the car getting her things he punched her in the face and said I’m gonna kill you bitch and pushed hard on the gas with her hanging out of the backseat of the car upper body in lower out with my youngest brothers watching him do these things. This man is trying to ruin my mother completely. Even with involving my younger brother which resulted with him being detained I can’t speak much upon that legal situation. We are fundraising for support with legal fees to get Justice for my mother and brother. This man has lied to the police and has not been arrested . We need him to be stopped we don’t need another women going thru this . We will be forever greatful for any donations that are given to us to help seek JUSTICE for my mother, brother and women who he has done this too and afraid to speak out. Even with just supporting getting my mother story out , mental support and emotional support. Thank you so much for your time
Daiasha Griffin
Racine, WI