Help Send Jena to Jerusalem
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Dear friends, family, fans, and folks who follow my work:
I am hoping to attend a week-long intensive seminar this summer in Jerusalem. The Community Leadership Program (CLP) will be held June 26 - July 3 at the Shalom Hartman Institute. Taught by senior faculty of the Institute, the seminar will explore foundational Jewish ideas and central dilemmas of contemporary Jewish life. CLP attracts North American and Israeli communal lay leaders and philanthropists who are active in local, national, and international Jewish communal life, and who are interested in a week of pluralistic, open-minded, and intellectually rigorous Jewish study.
As I continue to grapple with the war – both in my heart and in my work in the world as a Jewish writer and facilitator – I find myself yearning for opportunities for immersive learning such as this one. However, I am not currently in a financial position to fund this trip. That is why I'm crowdfunding in addition to seeking grants from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Jewish Endowment Fund, and the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts.
As you may know, I have been slowly and steadily weaving more and more Jewish threads into the tapestry of my life’s work for many years now. I am currently a fellow in a two-year Creative Facilitator Training with the Jewish Studio Project. Additionally, I'm an active member of my synagogue, the Jewish Community of Amherst, where I am now on the Board and have had the privilege of serving as the poet-in-residence since 2020.
Finally, since October 7, I've been writing a good deal from a Jewish perspective (much of that is available on Substack ) as well as facilitating a weekly gathering for Jews around the country to have a space for solidarity and connection through writing.
I feel certain that attending CLP will impact and deepen all of my work. Thank you so much for considering supporting this opportunity.
Jena Schwartz
Amherst, MA