Help Senthamari Selvi - who lost Husband in COVID
Join hands to help Senthamarai Selvi's Family.
We are raising this Fund to help our friend Senthamari Selvi (41) who lost her Husband Kasduri Maran (45) due to Covid.
Senthamari and Family was staying at Erode for Profession . The Beautiful little family have Yazhini (12). Maran was working in a Private Medical supply company. Maran used to travel a lot within Tamilnadu which is the nature of his profession.
They traveled back to Tanjore their native due to lock down. But, at Tanjore both Senthamari and Maran were tested positive with covid and was in Tanjore Medical college Hospital. Senthamari fought and recovered slowly, but Maran could not recover and passed away on May/27/2021 leaving the family in great sorrow.
This fund is to support Senthamari and to educate Yazhini. Every little penny will help the little one's education. Please do the needful.
Thank you All in Advance .