Help Seven Sails Vineyard recover from theft
Hello friends. Well, misfortune has struck our already covid crippled business. After picking up our new 2018 Rouge, 20 cases of red wine were stolen out of our truck in Cornelius, OR. After a year of being unable to pour at events, host patrons, and expand the business of our small vineyard, this is a devastating blow. Unfortunately due to the lack of events to pour at our insurance lapsed and will not be able to cover this loss.
I’m Signe Larsen, and if you don’t know about Seven Sails Vineyard, we are a very small a local vineyard in the West Hills of Portland. Female and BIPOC owned and managed, my mother Katherine and her partner Shuhe have worked tirelessly to get this business off the ground. I am making this gofundme to help them. I know we probably won’t reach the full amount stolen, as times are hard for all. But if you can spare anything to help a small local business, anything would help. You can also support by spreading the word about us and this fundraiser, check out our story at www.margotproductions/sevensailsvineyard.com or take home some of our remaining delicious wines.
Thank you, and have a great day. Much love to you all.