Help Shayla's Family After Accident
Hello, my name is Shayla and my stepdad was in a severe motorcycle accident. He’s in the hospital right now, with an open fracture to his wrist and two severe breaks to the neck. He has a few lower back fractures and broken ribs as well. He has to have surgery on both his wrist and neck. I’m just reaching out, seeing if there’s anything anyone can do to help. My mom has to take work off to be able to take care of him, so they’re gonna fall behind on some bills. Anything would be appreciated. Thank you, and thank you for listening.
Update: this is mandi, im here with him now. they fixed his wrist yesterday and started him on tube feeds last night. Trauma came in and said they are gonna get him some nutrition and start him on blood thinners to prevent blood clots, they will do the surgery tentively on Thursday afternoon. Neuro came im and said after looking at the mri he does have a central cord injury which typically affects the upper limbs compated to the lower ones, he said if there is going to be healing you'll see it before 6 months if there isnt any it probably wont heal so pray for healing of the cord. they have all said his vitals are stable, vent is at lowest possible setting so his lungs are working good. Today and tomorrow are going to be keeping him relaxed and calm to get the swelling down in the muscels and areas that need to come down to do a safe surgery.
update 2 3/26
we took a couple days to get the swelling down some so when they do the surgery its a n little easier for them. they are going to do the surgery tomorrow and then after they will try to extubate him weather thats tomorrow or 3 days from now depends on how the surgery goes, how much swelling he gets in his throat and how well he does when they try to take it out so we shall see. I truly appreciate all the generosity from everyone in our time of need. you all are amazing.