Help Sick, Stray Kitties in GR
Hi everyone!! My roommate and I recently discovered a HUGE colony of stray cats and kittens on Powers Ave NW. There are at least 20 cats and kittens, probably more. None of them are fixed and just keep having babies, this has been going on for years apparently. Last night, we caught 4 of them! 2 babies and 2 young adults. Both babies are very sick, and they are all going to the vet today. We’re going to try to get these guys into a shelter ASAP so we can go get more of them on the street. These babies won’t survive without some kindness and love!! 3/4 of the ones we have are succcchhhh love bugs and are so happy to be rescued!!! We’re gonna get as many of these kitties healthy and adopted into forever homes ASAP ❤️