Help Small Churches Stream Their Services
Pulpit & Pen has given thousands to help small churches purchase webcams to stream services in the wake of coronavirus. But dozens of more churches still need help.
These are small but faithful congregations who have great financial need. Pulpit & Pen has reviewed their doctrinal statements to assure they are faithful to the Word of God. We are only helping those with orthodox and evangelical statements of faith.
We are sending them a HD, 1080p PC streaming camera for livestreaming with low-light correction and fixed focus.
These churches include:
FBC Nickerson, Kansas
Independence Baptist Church, Florida
Reedy Baptist Church, West Virginia
Crossroads Baptist Church, Mississippi
Faith Chinese Baptist Church, Florida
Independent Baptist Church, Wisconsin
Lakeview Baptist Church, Michigan
Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church, Indiana
TMI Graduate Church Plant in Cannes, France
Blackfoot Community Church, Montana
Richfield Bible Baptist Church, Ohio
Indian Springs Baptist Church, Florida
Bethlehem Baptist Church, Alabama
Arnold Chapel Baptist Church, Georgia
Hoilday Bible Church, Florida
These are just a sample of the hundred or so churches who have requested a web-cam to stream services.
All churches are under 50 people and will likely suffer greatly financially due to economic conditions and canceled churches.
Our church at Fellowship Baptist in Sidney, Montana, will continue to meet, but we understand not everyone is in that condition due to the age of their congregation, their proximity to an outbreak, or state or local orders to quarantine.
All help via this GoFundMe campaign will be administered through FBC Sidney, Montana. We desire to get out these webcams as soon as possible.