Help Sofiia in Nederland studeren
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*English below*
Lieve mensen,
Twee jaar geleden is Sofiia naar Nederland gevlucht vanuit Oekraine om hier verder te werken aan haar toekomst. Ze was toen 15. Inmiddels is ze 17 en helemaal gewend aan het leven in Nederland. Ze eet elke dag kaas, kent de NS-meldingen uit haar hoofd en is gek op bitterballen.
Ze wil ontzettend graag in Nederland studeren, een studie voor Engels docent, maar omdat ze vanuit buiten de EU-komt, is dit collegegeld ontzettend hoog (ruim 10.000 euro). Zij, haar ouders, en haar Nederlandse opvangouders (ik en mijn partner), kunnen dit niet betalen. De coulance regelingen die de afgelopen twee jaar golden voor Oekrainers, gelden komend schooljaar helaas niet meer.
Omdat haar toekomst ontzettend belangrijk voor ons is, vragen we nu aan anderen om een steentje bij te dragen. Sofiia is ontzettend gemotiveerd, slim en enthousiast om haar leven in Nederland verder voort te zetten. Teruggaan naar Oekraïne is, om begrijpelijke redenen, niet wenselijk.
Alle gedoneerde bedragen zullen ten goede komen van haar collegegeld en andere studiegerelateerde kosten.
Alvast ontzettend bedankt voor de interesse, delen is lief!
Hartelijke groet,
Gerianne Meijer, opvangouder van Sofiia
Bericht van Sofiia:
Hello. My name is Sofia Chycha. I am turning to you with a deep plea for help. I come from Ukraine. With the beginning of the war, I moved to the Netherlands to continue my studies in a quiet and safe place. I am very grateful to this country and its people for their support, but schools and universities have stopped giving discounts or tuition assistance. However, the war is still going on in my country and unfortunately many people in the world have already forgotten about it. However, for us Ukrainians, this war is a harsh reality every day, which complicates access to education and opportunities for development.
Since childhood, I have been passionate about learning and always dreamed of the opportunity to study abroad, in particular in the Netherlands, a country with high standards of education and a rich cultural heritage. I had the opportunity to live here, and the first time I came I was impressed by the hospitality and kindness of the people, as well as the incredible beauty of the city. Every city I visited inspired me with its architecture and culture.
I worked hard and studied a lot and managed to get a place at one of the universities in the Netherlands, but due to the war in my country, my family lost the ability to pay for my studies. The difficult situation in Ukraine has endangered the dreams and future of young people like me. Despite all the difficulties, I do not lose hope and continue to believe in the best. I am ready to work hard and give all my strength to achieve my goal.
It is very difficult for me to ask people for help ,but the situation forces me to do it. I sincerely believe that your kindness and support will help me realize my dream. Thank you very much for your attention and reading my letter.
With deep gratitude and hope


Gerianne Meijer