Help Solutions of North Texas Survive!
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Solutions of North Texas will be closing in 30 days if we don't get at least $100,000 in support. The loss of this nonprofit in Denton County will be absolutely devastating!
Solutions provides treatment services to adult men and women through the following programs (find out more at www.sontx.org):
Residential transitional living for 64 men and women
Outpatient clinical services for an average of 120 men and women
Monitoring services for those transitioning into independent living
Court services for those with convictions or pending charges
Family services to assist with the recovery of the family unit
Jail services to help those currently incarcerated
Free non-medical detox services for anyone in the community
Here’s what this does in your community:
Reduces substance-related crime (studies show a reduction of up to 50%)
Reduces incidents of individuals going back to jail (studies show that treatment is
“The most consistent and significant indicator of the longest time(s) without recidivism (going back to jail)”)
Reduces overdoses, suicides, and poisonings (studies show a 37% reduction in overdose rates thanks to expanded treatment options, like Solutions of North Texas)
Reduces homelessness, domestic violence, and child abandonment (studies show that up to 50% of the homeless population struggles with addiction)
Reduces property crime and destruction
Reduces strain on public services, emergency services, and judicial entities
Increases health of the family unit
Increases productivity and happiness in the individual and the family
Contributes to the local workforce
Increases the well-being and health of our community as a whole
But there are studies that also show we are desperately undertreating the problem—up to 95% of people who needed drug or alcohol treatment didn’t receive it.
We are proud to be part of the solution, and it kills us to think Denton County might lose these critical services.
From a Recent Graduate:
“Y’all have given me a great foundation to build on as I'm leaving here. This has helped me get my life back on track. I am so excited about sponsoring the guys here. Solutions has been a great experience for me.”
Although we do have a donation page at www.sontx.org/donate/, we wanted to draw attention and spread awareness through a proven fundraising method. More people tend to pay attention to something like this rather than a standard call for donations.
If you’d prefer to donate through our website and avoid any fees, please do! All help is appreciated!
We have 3 different milestones we need to hit in order to continue serving this community:
1. $100,000 to cover payroll and get us out of threat of foreclosure
2. $250,000 to cover payroll and all past due debt (featured goal)
3. $500,000 - $750,000 to get us through 2025 and restructure to focus on long-term sustainability
From a Recent Graduate:
"This place really made a positive impact on my life. I gained knowledge of myself I wouldn't have if I never enrolled. The tools and skills I gained and was held accountable for have made me a better person overall. I was given the opportunity to come here and change my ways of life all thanks to the program and the staff.
“They offer clinical and residential services and I took part in both and had a wonderful experience. I highly recommend attending either or both of the services they offer! Thank you so much to all of you for what you do at Solutions of North Texas!!”
As we all know, the economy has taken a hit. So, it's no surprise that our donations, grants, and sponsorships decreased by 40% in 2024. This was a loss of revenue of over $250,000, which is devastating to a nonprofit.
We attempted to diversify our support network by reaching out to our local government and to tap into the Opioid Abatement Funds that were distributed to Denton County (over $1M in funds).
We were denied, regardless of the threat of closure. They were our biggest hope, especially since we're the most appropriate recipient of these funds in Denton County.
Although we have shared more nuanced information on our social media, it doesn’t matter here…. What matters is that we need your help.
To be honest, we’re terrified about what might happen to Denton County, our clients, our staff, and those suffering from addiction in the DFW area if our organization goes away–here’s why.
Since we began in 2006, we have helped over 18,000 people directly and over 15,000 people indirectly.
Families have been reunited.
Marriages have sustained.
Children have gone back to their parents.
Parents have gone back to their children.
We have helped start the Denton County Specialty Court programs and remain their primary service provider.
We have changed the way that addiction is treated within jail systems not just in Denton County, but all over Texas—all over the country.
We have saved lives and helped people live in a way they never thought possible.
And by doing all this, we have grown the Denton community.
We take a ton of pride in the work we do because we see how it makes Denton County, and all of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, a better place to live in.
From Casey, a SoNTX Staff Member:
My name is Casey Reilly and I am the Director of Financial Operations and Development at Solutions of North Texas. I am also the daughter of the Founder and Executive Director, Scott Wisenbaker, and the Director of Admissions and Residential Services, Leslie Wisenbaker.
As someone in recovery myself, surrounded by staff who are also in recovery, the potential loss of this organization and the mission within is so deeply heartbreaking. I can't even really fathom it.
The idea that people will suffer without a way out is abhorrent, but I truly believe we can salvage this with your help.
We can do better with behavioral health services. We can rally and make sure that Denton is protected, even if our County leadership won't do the same.
My dad started Solutions with a simple hope to help some people in the way he was helped. He’s about to celebrate 30 years of sobriety and has dedicated every year of that to helping the next suffering alcoholic or addict.
The hope is that when it’s Mom and Dad’s time to move on to retirement, our Clinical Director, Ryan Mitchell, and I will carry the torch.
We have decided to take this mission as our own because we believe in the power of recovery and the ripple effects in our communities, our families, and those who come next.
I want nothing more than for this to continue and thrive, to leave this world knowing that I worked for others in a way that makes a difference in the world.
But I’m just one of the many people who have seen their lives improve because of the work that Solutions of North Texas does.
Here are some stories from people who came to Solutions when they had nowhere else to go—and who came out as better people, stronger people, people who stayed sober, rebuilt their lives, and made Denton County and all of DFW a better place to live.
Success Stories from Solutions of North Texas Alumni
“Growing up, I faced challenges that shaped my life profoundly. My mother struggled with addiction, and my childhood was overshadowed by the realities of growing up in a meth lab. My siblings followed a similar path and have continued in addiction along with my mother.
“I became an addict at the tender age of 12, believing it was the only way to escape my circumstances. I honestly didn't even know what I was doing. I knew it was something bad but not entirely.
“I knew my family did it. I faced many traumatic situations for the majority of my childhood due to my circumstances. My first memory is of my mother being held at knifepoint by her boyfriend at 4 years old, just to give an example.
“At 16, I found out I was pregnant, which momentarily pulled me out of the depths of addiction. For over a year, I managed to stay sober, hoping to turn my life around for the sake of my child.
“Her father constantly strangled me and hit me and unfortunately, the pull of addiction was relentless, being the only way I only ever knew to cope with pain. I soon found myself lost again.
“It wasn't until I entered Solutions of North Texas at 18 that I experienced genuine change. The program offered me not just a chance at sobriety but a chance at life. I have now been sober for six years.
“This journey has taught me that I am not trash; I am a human being with worth, and I matter. My past does not define my future. The traumas I faced do not define my future. Without Solutions, I would have never been taught how to live a normal life because I was never shown one.
“I have found people that love me and support me that I have never had before. Without them, I don't know where I would be. It was there I found God, love, and strength.
“I now have my own apartment, with 2 beautiful daughters who do not know the struggles I faced as a child, I am a functioning member of society, I work with disabled children, and want to pursue a college degree in special education. I hope to have a fulfilled life and I owe so much thanks to Solutions.
“It would be a huge loss to the community to see Solutions of North Texas close their doors. Not only would it mean more people not finding recovery and dying, but it would also add to the way the environment of Denton County.
“The streets would be filled with more addicts because they would have no hope anymore. I often share the hope of sobriety and how solutions helped me, and I have seen how desperately many addicts want to get sober.
“I pray that you would reconsider your choice in not giving funding to sober living, they help save lives. They help the community, families, children, and in so many other ways.
“Addiction is not a choice; it's a complex issue that cannot be prevented entirely. My story is one of struggle, but it is also one of resilience. I hope that sharing my experience will provide an understanding of how Solutions helped save my life and made me a better person.”
From Another Alumni:
“In 2017, I walked through the doors of Solutions of North Texas, carrying the weight of broken dreams and desperate hope. My life, once filled with promise and potential, had spiraled into a vortex of despair. Addiction had tightened its grip on me, threatening to suffocate any semblance of joy or purpose.
“The person I had become was a mere shadow of who I used to be, and I was on the brink of losing everything. In fact, I had lost everything and almost my life. That was until I found Solutions of North Texas, a beacon of hope in my darkest hour.
“Upon entering Solutions of North Texas, I was met with a sense of warmth and understanding that I had not felt in years. The staff, composed of compassionate and dedicated professionals, saw beyond my broken exterior.
“They recognized the person I could become, even when I had lost sight of that vision myself. Their unwavering belief in my potential became the lifeline I so desperately needed.
“The journey to recovery was not an easy one. It was filled with moments of doubt, pain, and overwhelming challenges. Yet, every step of the way, Solutions of North Texas provided the support and resources necessary to navigate this treacherous path. The comprehensive programs, tailored to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, offered a holistic approach to healing. Through counseling sessions, group therapy, and educational workshops, I began to rebuild the foundation of my life.
“One of the most transformative aspects of my experience at Solutions of North Texas was the sense of community. I found myself surrounded by individuals who were walking a similar path, each carrying their own stories of struggle and resilience.
“Together, we formed a network of support, sharing our victories and setbacks, lifting each other up when the weight of the journey seemed too heavy to bear. The friendships I forged during this time became a source of strength and inspiration.
“As the months passed, I started to see glimmers of hope and change. The person I once was began to reemerge, stronger and more determined than ever before. Solutions of North Texas not only helped me overcome my addiction but also equipped me with the tools and strategies to build a fulfilling and meaningful life.
“They instilled in me the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and continuous growth. I learned to embrace my past, not as a source of shame, but as a testament to my resilience and capacity for transformation.
“Today, I am proud to say that Solutions of North Texas saved my life. They provided me with a second chance, a renewed sense of purpose, and a community of support that continues to uplift me. I now have my kids in my life, a new home, a great career, healthy friends, and restored relationships within my family.
“The journey of recovery is ongoing, and there will always be challenges along the way. However, I am no longer the broken and desperate individual who first walked through those doors. I am a testament to the power of hope, healing, and the unwavering support of an organization that believes in the potential for change.
“Solutions of North Texas will forever hold a special place in my heart. Their impact on my life is immeasurable, and I am eternally grateful for the second chance they have given me. As I continue on my journey, I carry with me the lessons, strength, and resilience that Solutions of North Texas instilled in me.
“I am not trash at the bottom of the hill. I am a mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, reliable friend, project manager, home owner, law abiding citizen, tax payer, voter, productive member of society, and a loving and free woman!”
Please share your blessings with Solutions so that we can spread the beauty of recovery in return.
You can call us at [phone redacted] ext. 119 for more information.
Please follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram for more nuanced information on the chain of events.
We need you. Thank you for letting us serve you so far. We are ready and willing to continue our work—please help us do so!
We love you all!
Casey Reilly
Denton, TX
North Texas Solutions for Recovery, Inc.