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Help Spike go to Wood Ward Pennsylvania

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Have you ever had a passion for something that you absolutely LOVE?

Spike is 9 years old who discovered his passion for Skateboarding 2 years ago. When you ask Spike what he loves most about skateboarding he will tell you he loves doing his 'new tricks'.

Skateboarding has been an outlet for Spike. He gets the opportunity to express himself with out using words. Spike is on the spectrum and the Skating community not only accepts him, but encourages him to be himself.

He sets a goal for himself to reach every year. This year Spikes goal is to go to Woodward camp in Pennsylvania.

He will be playing is guitar and doing yardwork for the community to help reach his goal of $4,000. That will be going towards the travel cost as well as paying for his camp Tuition. Spike will be using any money he has left over to pay for him to go to Nationals this year!

Below there will be a link that will take you to a video of Spike doing what he is very passionate about.
You can also check out Spike's TikTok and Instagram @SkaterSpike1

If you don't have anything you can donate please share and spread the word.
Thank you!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Alizia McMillan
Logan, UT
Katie Bravo

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