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HELP Steve & Family through this tragic event

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Early last week Steve got diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy. He was discharged from the hospital and was home for a few days before he started to feel uncomfortable in his chest again. Lisa rushed him to the ER where he was diagnosed with AFIB and a very low blood pressure. Finding out his heart is extremely weak the doctors preformed a surgery to try and get more blood flow to the heart... it was unsuccessful. They thought it was best to transfer him to another hospital where they were more equipped with what he needed for chance of survival (Westchester Medical) where he had another surgery to be put on ECMO (a form of life support that could potentially help his lungs and heart). He is now in ICU there and his organs are starting to shut down. The doctors have also started him on dialysis to help him with his kidneys.
Steve, Lisa, Trinity (7 Years Old) need all the HELP and prayers that we can give.

UPDATE: WE REACHED OUR FIRST GOAL! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. Let’s keep going for our Dear Friends

UPDATE: in just three hours, we have reached our second goal! This just shows how much he is loved by so many people! We are all so grateful let’s keep going for our dear friends

UPDATE: we are so incredibly grateful for all the amazing donations. Thank you so much. Every little bit helps. We reached our third goal of $20,000. Let’s keep going for them. These medical bills are going to be outrageous. Thank you so much everyone really!

UPDATE: everyone I can’t even believe we reach $25,000 in donations. This money is going to help them so so much. I am so grateful for all your donation. Thank you thank you let’s keep it going for them.

UPDATE: less than 4 hours we have reached $30,000! We are BLOWN-AWAY! keep going for Steve and his family

UPDATE: $35,000 we are so grateful! Let’s keep going!

UPDATE: $40,000!!! They need this more then ever. THANK YOU EVERYONE! Let’s keep going!

UPDATE: $50,000 this family is so loved! Keep it going to support our friends THANK YOU!!

UPDATE: $60,000!!!! The gernerostity is unbelievable! This family needs this Let’s keep going! Steve is fighting THANK YOU

UPDATE: $70,000 THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING IN STEVE!!!! He is getting stronger because of all your support!!! Read the latest STEVE UPDATE below! YOURE ALL SO AMAZING LET KEEP GOING AND PUSHING FOR HIM!

UPDATE: $85,000!!! this is beyond helpful for our dear McNamara Family!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Let’s keep it going for them WE BELIEVE MACSTRONG

UPDATE: $100,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WAS A HUGE GOAL TO REACH! And it’s all because of you guys! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!! LETS KEEP GOING STRONG!! #MACSTRONG! The fight has just begun!

Lisa got to talk to the doctor and the doctor said that they’re going to do a procedure tomorrow that should help with some blood flow to his heart a little more. But his liver and kidneys are not doing well. He will probably need a transplant and if he does hopefully they will be able to get that done within two weeks to eight weeks. We must keep him in our prayers and we are all raising so much money for him. This will help them so much in that aspect. Keep the prayers flowing LONG ROAD AHEAD 

Lisa got to see Steve. He has heavily sedated, but they allowed him to wake up a little bit to squeeze her hand and open his eyes. She was able to show him a picture of him, Lisa and Trinity and it’s right by his bedside. Tomorrow they will do a procedure that will hopefully allow more blood flow to the heart. He is hooked up to full life-support at this point please pray for him and his family. Thank you for all your support and prayers

The hospital just called Lisa, they moved Steve’s procedure to 7:30 am instead of this afternoon. He said it was no rush to get over there and that he will be done around 11:30-12. He said he will take good care of him. He also told me Steve’s doing better, blood pressure is good and he’s more alert and stable. Thank you God Keep praying!

Steve is out of surgery. He did so well the doctor is very optimistic and thinks today he can come off his breathing tube This is such incredible news and it’s all because of all the prayers and support that everyone is putting his way. He still has an extremely long road ahead, the doctor does think that the chances of needing a heart transplant are pretty high, his kidneys are not good. He’s still on dialysis and will probably be on dialysis for a while. He may end up needing a kidney transplant as well down the road but his numbers seem to be improving and we need to keep supporting and sharing the story to help get as many prayers shares and donations as possible. Thank you so much for all of your support. I will keep you updated as I know more

Unfortunately Steve was unable to get his breathing tube out today. But, the nurse reassured Lisa that this is going to be a SLOW process. Steve opened his eyes for Lisa, she said in his ear “you’re going to fight for me and Trinity, right?” And he shook his head yes and lifted his head towards her in for a kiss. HE IS FIGHTING!!! He BELIEVES!! WE HAVE TO BELIEVE

Steve just went into AFIB again. The doctors had to up all his machines. Lisa is there with him. PLEASE KEEP PRAYING
UPDATE ON TODAY: Steve needs to rest, he’s back to being fully sedated, also back on 80% oxygen and full ECMO. Nurses did say that it could be up and down so he really needs to rest right now. PLEASE KEEP YOUR PRAYERS GOING! 

As Steve’s doctor put it today “He’s a tough SOB” His resting is healing! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY, SHARE THE GOFUNDME LINK AND OR DONATE We couldn’t be more grateful for the prayers love and support you’re sending the McNamara’s way #MACSTRONG #BELIEVE 
IMPORTANT NOTE: Steve isn’t allow visitors at bedside now, but if you want to support Lisa you can be with her. 

Steve is (showing signs of being agitated through the night, but ) is still fighting strong! Depending on today the doctors will meet with Lisa to educate her on what would be entailed with moving forward if the decision is a heart transplant. The doctors are educating Lisa and family every step of the way. PLEASE PRAY!!! Your prayers are heard! BELIEVE in MACSTRONG!!

Steve is now listed as a status 1 heart transplant, he is listed high on the list which could take hours, days or a week. I am graciously asking for all your continued prayers right now for Steve and also for the donor and the donor’s family. Thank you for continuing to fight this fight with us as Steve waits for the Gift of Life  #MacStrong

They found a Heart! We need your prayers more than ever for this Gift of Life Steve will be given and please continue to keep the donor and their family in your prayer as well Let’s win this fight #MacStrong

UPDATE #11   11/12:
Steve is out of surgery and recovering which the Dr says will take time. Keep the prayers coming!!!! #MACSTRONG

Steve’s new heart is doing well and they were able to remove the Ecmo last night which is a huge step forward. They are keeping a close eye on his liver, whose numbers remain high but hopefully start to improve Next step will be trying to safely get him off of the breathing tube. Everyday is a step forward and prayers are being answered so please continue to pray for Steve and complete healing ❤️ #Macstrong♥️#Believe #Faithoverfear

Anther big step forward. They were able to take the ventilator out last night. Steve has no voice and right now and is pretty confused. Part of his confusion may be from his liver. His numbers are still high and they will be running more tests and are monitoring him closely. It’s so easy to hear this and automatically think negative thoughts. I was told multiple times that “we have a very long road ahead of us and that this road will have some bumps in it”. As true as that is, some of these people don’t know who my husband is and how incredibly STRONG he is and has been with all that he has been dealt with. Two weeks ago he was fighting for his life and a week later has a beautiful strong heart and is no longer on a breathing tube. I will continue to hold tight to my faith even when there’s bumps in this road we are on. Thank you for continuing to fight with us and for your continued prayers, love and support through all of this #MacStrong♥️ #Believe #Faithoverfear

This Thanksgiving is very different than the years past and even though Steve isn’t home with us we still have so much to be thankful for. I am so grateful for Steve’s new heart that he received by an Angel that we will cherish for the rest of our lives. I am beyond thankful and grateful for every single person that has gone above and beyond for all of us. We have so many angels near and far, complete strangers all over the world praying for Steve, everyday. The amazing medical team and staff taking care of my husband day and night while he continues to get stronger. The warm meals that have been prepared and dropped off at our house, the gifts people are buying Trinity just for her to know how much she is loved. The bracelets that have been made, the dress down day at Somers HS in honor of Steve, all the raffles, fundraisers and donations to raise money for our family. We are so grateful, thankful and truly blessed for each and every one of you! From the bottom of my heart, Thank You so much for your continued prayers, love and support ❤️ Happy Thanksgiving from our Family to yours! Steve’s 1st heart biopsy went great and the heart showed no signs of rejection! Bilirubin numbers are coming down and we are going to keep praying for his kidneys to continue to improve. Steve is fighting every single day! God is so good ❤️ #MacStrong♥️ #Believe #Faithoverfear

Another big step forward ❤️ Last night Steve was moved from the ICU to the step-down unit. Steve is still being closely monitored on this floor and will begin to get PT Thank you all so very much for your continued prayers God is so good! #MacStrong♥️ #Believe #Faithoverfear

Every day is another step forward! Every December Steve and Trinity make Christmas cookies together and even though this year looks and feels different, Trinity and her Daddy were still able to share this beautiful tradition together! Thank you to our amazing Linares Clan for making this possible and for spending the day loving on our girl ❤️ On Saturday, Steve got to watch Somers take home the State Championship! He was so happy and so proud of them! Thank you so much Tony Linares for making it possible for Steve to see that game, it meant so much to him. Steve had his 2nd heart biopsy and it was completely normal, no signs of rejection! God is so good ❤️ #MacStrong♥️ #Believe #Faithoverfear

Huge Steps Forward ❤️God is so good Steve’s last two heart biopsy’s came back normal, showing no signs of rejection. His liver and kidney numbers have gone down significantly and Steve hasn’t had dialysis since last Tuesday! Yesterday they did an echocardiogram in his room and I was able to hear the beating of his new heart, it was one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard. I was also able to record it and hope to one day share it with his donors family. The next step is rehabilitation. Right now we are waiting for approval from insurance company and also for a bed/room to open up. Once Steve is in rehab and they feel he is strong enough, he can finally come home! Your continued prayers, love and support mean everything to us and from the bottom of our Hearts, Thank You! Thank you Mike Lugo for making a special trip to the hospital to give Steve a fresh cut and shave and really make him feel good! You have a new client for life! #MacStrong♥️ #Believe #Faithoverfear

We were all cleared and set to go to rehabilitation today and hit a little bit of a bump in the road. One of the sites on Steve’s body where the ecmo was, is infected. The vascular surgeon would like Steve to have a ct scan tonight and then take him into the OR tomorrow so they can see whether the collection (fluid)is just superficial and they can just scrape it out or if it’s tracking deeper down to the blood vessels. The surgeon will acess the next steps once he opens up the area. All of your prayers have been working, please keep them coming ❤️ God is so good! #MacStrong♥️ #Believe #Faithoverfear

Procedure went well! The collection was in contact with the top of the blood vessel so the surgeon removed all the dead tissue that was there. Now he needs to heal! Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and love❤️ God is so good! #MacStrong♥️ #Believe #Faithoverfear


I am so incredibly humbled and grateful by the amount of Prayers, Love and Support we have been receiving over the last few days. This truly is an unimaginable situation to be in but to have so many people come together and do anything and everything they can to help is what is giving me strength to keep pushing forward. Steve has never given up on anything or anyone because he is a fighter and he is fighting for us! He is making progress everyday, little by little and I truly BELIEVE that is from all of your prayers. We have a long road ahead of us so please continue to keep praying! Our deepest Love and Appreciation to everyone fighting this fight with us♥️ Faith over fear


  • Phyllis Seppe
    • $100
    • 10 mos
  • Peter Garafola
    • $200
    • 10 mos
  • Chris Garafola
    • $100
    • 10 mos
  • Annie Christian
    • $50
    • 10 mos
  • Sandra Allison
    • $125
    • 10 mos

Organizer and beneficiary

Alyse DeBellis
Apex, NC
Michael Norton

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