Help Stevie Bond in the fight of his life.
Donation protected
I have set this up on behalf of the amazing Bond family who would never ask for help. Below is Stevie’s story written by brother John.
All donations will go directly to Steve and Cilla in an account set up by brother John and wife Bernie.
“Stephen Bond affectionately known as Stevie, Bondy, Bimbo and a few other names we can’t mention & his family would love your support.
In early December Stevie returned from work and told the love of his life Cilla that he had a headache and fever. He went to bed and the next morning got up and headed off to his much loved job at McNaughts Driving Innovation in Finley ( Country NSW). When Cilla phoned him a bit later in the day she could sense he sounded different and told him she would pick him up and take him to Shepparton Hospital in Northern Victoria. A few days later Stevie’s health deteriorated and he was moved to the ICU before being airlifted to St Vincent’s ICU in Melbourne in a critical condition.
19 days on and Stevie remains in a critical condition.Two days ago it was confirmed that he has Japanese Encephalitis, a deadly virus transmitted via a mosquito bite.
This beautiful, kind, loving, funny and much loved man is fighting for his life. Being airlifted to Melbourne is a true blessing as the medical team at St Vincent’s are world class however this has also meant his beautiful wife Cilla & family have also had to relocate to Melbourne for the long journey.
Steve’s family would like to thank everyone for the love, kindness, support, prayers and messages of support. Please keep Steve in your thoughts and prayers.
Doctors have advised Cilla and family that should Steve be able to continue his fight and his brain start to recover, the recovery will take months in ICU and years of rehabilitation. His future capacity to live is unknown.
Steve’s family is now not only displaced in a new city but also unable to work, earn an income and in financial distress.
Steve & Cilla have always been kind to the world, raised a beautiful family and supported those in need all their life. They are a very proud family and have been very humbled by the love and offers of financial support for which until now have resisted the very kind offers of financial support.
Given the diagnosis yesterday and reality that should Steve survive, his battle will be long, challenging and financially debilitating given the fact Steve & Cilla have no income, Steve’s family accept that the very kind offers of support will be needed to support Steve, Cilla and family.
It’s unimaginable to think how a bloody mosquito can do this to this beautiful country boy with a heart of gold and put his family through their darkest days….
Please keep Steve, Cilla & family in your thoughts and prayers and If you can support financially we would be forever grateful.”
Fundraising team: Fundraiser Team (2)
Michelle Barnes
Katunga, VIC
Bernie Bond
Team member